Steps Towards An Unwanted Balance

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It was a couple of days before his new roommate woke up, or it could have been a few hours, Ink had never bothered to measure the time he spent within his pocket universe.

He had occupied his time sketching ideas for new universes, the appearance of his guest had made him enter a great creative spiral, new AUs with new colors, new versions of 'Sans', he had even come up with AUs where the Monsters weren't trapped under in the Underground!

It felt like when he first created Undertale all over again! He could hardly wait to put all those ideas into practice, he could hardly wait to meet his new creations! Should he start with StoryShift or maybe Reapertale? Oh! He had so many ideas for Dreamtale!

A grunt brought him out of his thoughts, the black-boned skeleton was waking up, the Artist quickly put his drawing material aside and tried to look as non-threatening as possible, while he didn't think the other monster was going to attack him given their first interaction, better safe than sorry.

The sleepy look turned into one of confusion as they looked around and only increased when their gazes finally met. The silence lasted several minutes, neither of them doing anything more than staring at each other, but in the end, the monster in front of him was the one who ended up breaking the silence.

"You... you look like Chróma... but you're not him. Who would you be?" Despite the words, there was no accusation in his voice, just genuine curiosity, Ink looking like his creator was probably a factor in his apparent calm. "...Are you perhaps this Ink that I hear mentions about?"

With nothing to hide, the Artist quickly responded, ecstatic of the other knowing his name. "Yas I am! My name is Ink, I'm the Creator of the Multiverse, I found you in one of my universes... err, welcome to my house?" He finished speaking nervously, not sure how to continue.

A series of emotions flashed across the black-boned monster's face, too fast and too complicated for Ink to grasp, but something resembling understanding began to bloom on his face after a while as if he had found the piece that was missing a difficult puzzle

"Oh..." Was his response and a tension he hadn't noticed filling the room vanished. "Then I think I should be the one apologizing to you, I had assumed that an intruder had entered my Multiverse, but it seems that I am the one who came to cause trouble in yours."

Ink was confused at his words, was he referring to the buzzing? Or perhaps to confuse him with his creator? His words made him understand that he had not realized that this was not his Multiverse until now.

(Logically, Ink knew that it was more than likely that there were other multiverses besides his own, but having confirmation felt so strange despite his excitement at the idea of other Creators like him existing out there).

"Hey! Don't worry, whatever you broke can be repaired, I'm sure my creations won't care once we explain the misunderstanding," He still didn't know why the other was apologizing for, but he doubted it was something as important as he made it sound.

"Still, from the beginning something, everything, seemed out of place, I jumped to conclusions and messed with your and your counterpart's work, I will apologize to them appropriately as well if they allow me." He insisted earnestly, trying in vain to stand up, weak as he still was after collapsing earlier.

But something he said bothered him, he talked about a 'counterpart' as if Ink was supposed to have some kind of helper, but 'counterpart' didn't sound like the right term for it...

Because the counterpart of the creation was destruction.

And there was no way Ink was going to leave someone like that running around in his Multiverse. Did the creator of this skeleton have something like that in his Multiverse? Why?

Leaving his growing worries for the moment Ink decided to move the conversation to something less serious. "Well, I don't think that's possible, but how about we talk about something else for now! You already know who I am, but I don't think you told me your name."

A resigned understanding appeared on the other's face at the first part of his statement but was pushed aside to the surprise of Ink being right about his lack of introduction. "Oh, I didn't realize that, this whole situation is really messing with my head, my name is Erimos, and I am the counterpart of Chróma, he is my Creator"

So, he had been right that this 'Chróma' was the Creator of the artwork in front of him, but what caught his attention the most was that Erimos called himself the 'counterpart' of his Creator.

His previous worries came back in full force.

He wanted to believe that this was another misunderstanding, that he was misinterpreting the whole 'counterpart' thing, because he couldn't believe, he didn't want to believe, that someone like him could create something made just for...

Why would a Creator want a Destroyer? Why would they subject their creation to basically go against them? Was this Chróma some kind of sadist?

Ink forced himself not to react negatively to what he had just learned, the blue tear-like marks under Erimos' sockets had taken on a darker meaning, but there wasn't much he could do, he didn't know what he could do, he doubted that modifying the creation of another was any simple, much less did he believe that Erimos would let him do it even if it was if he resembled Ink's own creations when it came to his opinion on his Creator.

So, he just concentrated on smiling at Erimos, as if there was nothing wrong with what he had just said. "Nice to meet you then, and since it seems that neither you nor I know how you got to my Multiverse, would it be okay if you stay here until your Creator comes looking for you? I could also create a small universe for you if you prefer it."

Erimos seemed to hold back a snort before nodding, as if the idea of his Creator coming for him was laughable, which really only added to Ink's worries.

And in a playful tone, he responded. "Of course, Ink, I am at your service until Chróma comes for me, please take care of me." He finished saying by extending his hand.

And what else could Ink do except hold his hand even though he didn't understand what he found so funny?

A kind of chill ran through him as soon as their hands joined together, he wasn't sure what that was, but Erimos didn't seem to have felt it, so it shouldn't have been anything.

His opinion of the Creator of Erimos may not have been... the best right now, but Ink was sure that everything could be resolved with a good talk, there must be something more behind the whole 'counterpart' thing than he simply wasn't understanding.

So for now, he focuses on making Erimos' stay as comfortable as possible, it was the least he could do until he returns home.


-sees the last time this was updated- I have no excuse

I'm still trying to make these two fight, but they refuse, look at them, they're actually talking, how dare they >:T

Hopefully, the next chapter for this will be in less than a year, please tell me if I mess up the plot of this, I didn't actually check out the previous chapters before writing this.

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