Chapter 1 Emptiness

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  In a cold dark room, I sit on my messy unmade bed with a bottle of vodka and a handful of pills.This life, this world oh how it eats me away till I can barely move.Do I really want to end it?  Do I really want to leave this world behind? Suddenly there's a knock on my room door pushing me out of my inner thoughts.I shove the pills and the bottle of alcohol under my pillow hiding it from whoever was about to come in. 

"Honey do you want dinner?" my mother asked. 

"No thank you" I said 

"Dear, you haven't eaten in days;  I'm getting worried" she said. 

Annoyance spiked through me and I gave out a frustrated sigh. 

"Mom I'm fine, okay" I snapped. 

  She closed the door leaving alone once again while the guilt of snapping at her seeped in. I grabbed the bottle of vodka and drank it straight up without stopping till everything went black. 


I wake up to a yell from downstairs. 

"Time for school Stella"  my mom yelled.

 I groan causing my head to throb. When I finally get up I change in some sweats and a crop top, once I'm ready I walk downstairs and grab some coffee.When I'm finished with my cup I walk to my car and start the engine. I show up to school late as I always do but before I step into class I light a cigarette to calm my nerves. We weren't allowed to on school grounds but I didn't care. 


  During lunch hour I sit by myself as always just listening to my music. No one dares to talk to me. I think it's because of the way I look or seem. I act like it doesn't bother me but deep down I wish I had a friend or two. 

  After lunch instead of going to my other two classes I drive down to the liquor store by my house and buy myself a new bottle, the store I go to knows my father so they don't card me which works in my favor.  I then head over to my favorite alley way where no one would be and start my new project on the wall with my new spray paints I had in my bag. I was about to finish with my new piece when I suddenly heard someone yell my name from across from me. 

"Hey! What are you doing!? a random guy yelled. 

  Once I looked my eyes immediately saw the badge and knew right away that it was a cop.  I quickly grabbed as much as I could carry and ran as fast as I could soon losing him after some sharp corners.  When I finally reach my car I turn on the AC, drive home and head to bed sleeping the rest of the day away. 

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter I hope you guys liked it!

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