Chapter 7 The kiss

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Stella: Hey

Adam: hey, how are you feeling? 

Stella: tired and have a really bad headache but I'm fine, hbu 

Adam: Thats why you don't do drugs and Im good just getting ready for work. 

Stella: Ik it won't happen again I promise. :) 

    Adam and I texted throughout the day and I didn't want to admit I was starting to really miss him when he wasn't around.  What was happening with me?! I was breaking all of my self rules. I should be dead right now why was I getting caught up with a older guy? 

    The next few days I decided to hide out in my room to get the rest of the drugs out of my system.  Adam has been very busy so we haven't texted in awhile. My dad has been MIA for a few days probably out fucking other woman behind my moms back. But I know she knows she's just to scared and in love to leave him. My bruises and cuts were finally healing so Im not in that much pain anymore which is good. I started to go to school again and there was a lot of drugs around me but I just stayed to my nicotine keeping my promise with Adam.  Once school was over I drove back home to find my dads car in the driveway and yelling from inside the house. I really didn't want to deal with that right now so I went by the police station and took a nap in my car. 

(Knock Knock) 

    I woke up to a firm knocking on my car window. I find myself curled up in a ball shivering. Once I rub the sleep out of my eyes I look up to see who's knocking on my window. Then Im face to face with Adam.  

"What are you doing here?" he asked while he shivered as well. I quickly opened the passenger door for him to get out of the cold.  He then got in and closed the door behind him.  

"Hi... " I said

Why are you sleeping in your goddamn car? he asked 

"Sleeping what else." I said trying to lighten the mood for once.  

"Yes I can see that don't play with me Stella."  he snapped 

"Ok, Ok, Im sorry I pissed you off." I whispered. 

"No, no don't do that Im the one who should say sorry." he said rubbing his face in stress. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked. 

"Im not getting enough cases solved and....Nevermind" he said running his hands through his jet black messy hair. 

He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb back a forth. It was like every time we touched all the bad tension faded away. 

"Tell me why I missed you so much in the past few days." he whispered squeezing my hand. 

"Adam whats really going on?" I asked knowing there was more to the story. 

"My My....(sigh) I can't tell you not right now at least." he said looking into my eyes. 

"Well Im here when your ready to tell me." I said being bold and lifting up his hand to to my lips giving it a little kiss. 

He looked at my lips and started to slowly lean in his breath growing heavier while I sucked in mine. 

"Adam what are you doing?" 

"Shhh" he husked me putting his thumb over my lips while he caressed my slim face. 

"I want to kiss you." he whispered practically begging. 

"Then do it." I said needing it as much as he did. 

He quickly grabbed my hair and pulled me causing our lips to smash together. Energy shot through me like nothing before.  Ive never felt this good before and it was scaring me that I was already getting to addicted.  Then it was ripped away from me leaving me out of breath. 

"Shit." he cussed under his breath while his hot breath was crashing over my lips.

I wanted to pull him in for more but he phone started to ring before I could let my thoughts take over my actions.  He moved away and answered it and I just sat there in silence bitting my bottom lip.   

"What!...fine, Im on my way." he snapped into his phone.   

"I have to go, Ill text or call you later." he said walking out of then car and slamming the door leaving me alone still feeling his lips on mine.

(Its kinda slow right now with this story but I promise it will pick up soon. Thank you for reading!!!) 

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