Chapter 4

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     I get to the hospital and they rush me in before I showed any signs of overdosing.  Once they get me into a room they try to put a IV in me but I yank my arm away. 

"No, no more needles." I begged.

"Honey this is going to help you, trust me." the lady said. 

I was in to much pain to fight back so I let her and it was true whatever they were giving me was taking the burning feeling away slowly.  The he arrived at my door and rush to my side and thats when I knew everything was going to be alright. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. 

"T...thank you." I stuttered.

He smiled and squeezed my hand back. 

      Over an hour the burning was faint but still there and Adam stayed at my side the whole time while I've been in the hospital bed shaking. 

"Deputy Winter a word please?" a blond dude said in the door way. 

"I'll be right back." Adam said then getting up to follow the blond doctor looking guy. 

I tried to ease drop but they were talking to quietly so I ended up just giving up.  Then out of no where I became really nauseous and was about to puke but Adam ran in grabbed a bowl by the sink held it under my chin and held my hair back while I puked into the bowl. 

"Thank you." I said. 

"Of course." he said with a soft smile. 

"So Stella, do you remember what they were doing to you?" the doctor guy asked from behind Adam. 

"Um they were testing on me, they said they were trying to fix me..." I answered 

"Yes they were injecting heroin and two other unknown substances to "cure" you and now your body is hooked on those drugs so we need to keep you here till you are able to get off these hard drugs." the doctor said. 

"Are they gone?" I asked. 

"Yes they have all been arrested and the place is getting shut down, not every place is like that Stella you just got unlucky." Adam assured me. 


It's been about a week sense the incident and Adam has been visiting me everyday.  I told him he didn't have to but he insisted.  They started me on this kind of medication that helps with the withdrawals and everything has been getting a little bit more easy.  The shaking would come and go and my mom would visit whenever she could but unfortunately that wasn't a lot. 

      It was Friday the day Adam couldn't visit because it's his day off so I just watched TV all day.  The nurses tried to get me to eat but I refused.  I knew the more I went on without eating they might keep me here longer but for right now I just couldn't eat without the thought of puking. 

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