Chapter 6 Drugs

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     It's been a week sense I came back from the hospital and my dad would beat me almost everyday.  At this point my mom has noticed the damage on my face but just ignores it and acts like everything is normal.  Iv'e also haven't seen Adam sense then I was starting to think he forgot about me.  I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up for something that was never going to happen.  Iv'e been attending school to escape my house and I couldn't help but notice some kids smoking something out of a pipe behind the school building.  I would watch some of those kids during the day after they smoked that unknown substance and I noticed they looked so happy and upbeat, I wanted to be happy for once.  So one day when I saw them smoking again I walked up to them. 

"Hey could I maybe try some?" I asked. 

All they did at first was look at each other and laugh but when I kept a straight face they soon realized I wasn't joking and looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Uhhh do you know what were smoking?" One of the guys asked.

"What is it?" I asked. 

When it came to drugs I didn't know much just pills and alcohol I was familiar with.  

"It's meth, but if we find out you snitched your done for, ok? He threatened.

"Ok" I agreed and he handed me the pipe teaching me how to smoke with it. 

When I took that first hit my body lit up and my brain was going 100 miles per hour. I fell in love with this feeling right at that moment. 

"Where can I get this stuff?" I asked immediately. 

The guy looked at his friends then back at me. 

"A gram is $400 and I can lend you this pipe Iv'e got other." he said.

I reach into my bag and barely had enough I guess it was a good thing I had my money on me at this moment.

"Here."  I said handing him the money. 

We traded the money and the small bag with the pipe and I quickly shoved it in my bag. I was definitely not going to show up for the rest of school today.


      I was in my room smoking and to be honest I felt great, Ive never felt this alive. then suddenly my phone started to ring. When I looked at the screen I saw it was an unknown number. 

"Hello." I say into the phone. 

"Hi is this Stella Fox?" a male voice asked and I new deep down I recognized this voice. 

"Yes who's this?" I asked. 

"It's Adam..." he said.  

"How did you get my number?" I wondered trying to hide the excitement in my tone. 

"Well when we first met I looked up your information on my work computer and it shows your number." he said nervously.  

I think he's scared I would think that was creepy but for me it wasn't I just love that he reached out. 

"Anyway how are you doing?" he asked. 

"Im great actually I got this stuff that makes me feel good haha." I giggled. 

"Wait shit! I wasn't supposed to say that!" I panicked.  

"What do you mean Stella? What did you get?" he asked sternly.

"Nothing Adam seriously" I said.

"I don't believe you I'm heading over there right now, I swear Stella if I find drugs..." he started to say but then he hung up. 

Shit shit!! I have to hide everything before he gets here! 

(15 minutes later)

There was a load knock on my front door and I thought to myself that is was good my parents weren't home. I open the door trying to act normal. 

"Where is it?" he demanded letting himself in. 

"I don't know what your talking about."  I said casually. 

He took a deep breath then turned around and looked at me straight in my eyes. 

"I know your high off meth Im a police officer remember!" he snapped. 

"Now let me ask you again," he said almost started to yell. 

There was no way I could of hid it from him so I gave a big sigh in defeat and walked to my room grabbing the small baggy and the pipe.  He followed me into my bedroom and I handed all of it to him.  He grabbed it then started to look around my room. While he was studying everything around him I couldn't help but take a good look at him. he wasn't in his uniform like usual he was wearing a tight white shirt showing the outline of his muscles with black jeans. I definitely wasn't thinking straight because all I could think about was how it would feel with his body pressed against mine. 

"Have you eaten today?" he asked breaking me out of my inappropriate thoughts. 

"No, but Im not hungry." I said. 

"You need to eat especially when you have drugs in your system." he said. 

I started to fidget not being able to sit still. He looked at me in worry and walked over to me putting his hands on my shoulders to keep me still. 

"I hate seeing you like this..." he said 

And he was right I probably looked horrible. 

"Are you going to arrest me?" I asked. 

"No because I get why you did it and that's the last thing you need." he said letting go of me. 

He then looked down my whole body and that's when I forgot I had a short sleeve on exposing all the bruises on my arms from my dad and I guess he just noticed too. 

"Fuck, Stella what happened?!?!  he panicky asked. 

"Ummm I fell down my stairs." I said quickly grabbing a jacket off my messy room floor and putting it on.  

"Those are caused by someone Stella, who is it? Someone from school?" He kept asking demanding answers but I couldn't give it to him no matter how much I wanted to tell someone. So I just shut my month and fell to my knees.  He joined me on the floor and grabbed my face making me look at him.  

"Im sorry I just have this strong feeling to protect you." he confessed. 

I looked at him in awe. then I looked at his tattoos on his arm seeing more detail up close and without thinking I lifted up my hand up to his arm and touched his inked skin.  He sucked in a sharp breath and stiffens his body due to my soft touch tracing his tattoo.  

"What are you doing to me Stella..." he whispered his breath getting heavier. 

He then grabs my hand and places it back on my lap.

"You have to stop." he said. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"Because if you don't I will do something I won't be able to stop." he said letting me go and standing back up. 

"Where are your parents by the way?" he asks offering his hand to me to help me stand up. 

Shit that reminds me! My dad gets off work at 3! I look at the clock and see its 2:55! 

"Crap you need to leave like right now." I said panicked. 

"Why?" he asked confused. 

"Please just trust me and leave Ill text you ok I have your number now." I said pushing him out the front door.

I watched as he drove away in his BMW and right when he left my dad pulls into the drive way. I run back into my room for safety hoping he wasn't coming home from a early visit to the bar. 


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