Chapter 8 The beating

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      A week passed by and I still haven't heard from Adam as usual, he tends to just disappear sometimes. I knew I couldn't be sleeping in my car anymore it was getting to cold outside so I decided to head back home.  But before I went to that hellhole called my home I texted Adam. 

Stella: Hey Im sorry about the other day and I hope your doing better. 

       Right when I walked inside I heard a load crash of glass breaking. 

"Stella is that you?!" my drunk dad yells from the tv room. 

I don't answer and start to walk up to my room but no matter how drunk he was he was always faster then me and beat me to it. 

"Where have you been I thought you did us a favor and killed yourself successfully."  he said. 

"Im sure you would of been happy about that." I said rolling my eyes with some sass. 

"Your right, slut!" he yelled and slapped me across the face which is nothing new. 

Till suddenly I see my mom in the corner of my eye. When I fully looked at her she has a big cut on her head and bruises everywhere.  Pure anger spiked through me, he's never hurt her this bad before. Is this what happens when I leave for to long he starts to beat my mom even harder?! I ball up my fist feeling my face grow red. This man has destroyed this family!!! And Im sick and tired of it!!! But suddenly my hands relax and my face drops. I wouldn't be able to make a difference he was far to strong.  

"Whatever, you can drink and beat me all you want but do.not, I mean do.not beat my mother." I said. 

And so he did, he beat me till I was in a puddle of my own blood this was the worst he's hurt me and to be honest I don't know why he didn't just beat me to death. 

    I took a cold shower then rested on my bed. I finally took a look at my phone and saw one text and two missed calls from Adam.

Adam: Hey Im sorry we haven't talked. Lets meet tomorrow I have something to tell you. 

Excitement flooded through me but was soon replaced with anxiety. There was no way you could see me like this! No makeup could hide this damage!  What was I going to do??

(Next day) 

Before I went to meet up with Adam I put on black sweatpants, a grey hoodie, a mask to cover my face and sunglasses to hid my black eye.  My car ran out of gas the other day and I don't have any money so I walk to the park near the station where he said to meet at.  When I got there he was waiting in his BMW so I open the passenger door and take a seat.  Once I got in he looked me up and down. 

"What are you wearing?" he asked worry in his tone he knew something was up right at the second he laid eyes on me. 

" its cold." I said trying to sound convincing. 

"Its not though and whats with the mask?" he asked.

"Im sick..." I said another excuse.  

He reached over and took a hold of my hood but I stopped him mid way. 

"I can't Adam...." I said

"Why not?" he wondered. 

"Because.....I don't want you to see." I eventually said. 

He gave me a sweet caring look and told me with his eyes everything would be fine. So I let him take off my hood with my sunglasses and mask and his eyes widened at the sight of the cuts and bruises on my face.  Anger filled his eyes and he tensed up holding the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were turning white. 

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