After Math

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By time the three of you escaped the school, you were in tears. Sitting on the sidewalk sobbing as police and ambulance filtered onto the ruined property, fire men escorted the rest of the children out, others getting rushed or life flighted to the hospital, screams and scattering bodies made everything feel so confusing- the sound of ringing cellphones as the teens around you tried to call out to their families, or for the unlucky ones unable to make the call themselves- were ringing in with calls in that would never be answered.  

You suddenly felt something warm getting wrapped around you, breaking you away from the increasing chaos around you. You looked down, the sight of a dark green jacket wrapping around you, with a body attached- Ben.

In his attempt to comfort you, he had sat close with his arm and jacket open and around your shivering torso, bringing you into his side,

" You're really cold" he commented. " What happened to your jacket?" 

He rubs your shoulder in a comforting way. but you just feel disgust play up in your throat- urging you to scoot away from him, but the warmth was nice- and so was the comfort, you couldn't help but lean into it- subconsciously wrapping an arm around his torso. 

"I saw him" your voice came out soft and weak.

"Who? the shooter?"

"No.. Toby. He was there, this is all because of him." Your eyes flicked towards the burning building- the one that was steadily growing up in flames, burning with soft pops and cracks, you could have sworn you could faintly hear the speakers still playing something over it's speakers, dying out slowly as the flames smothered it along with the screams. 

Ben and Jeff both stared at you for a moment, stunned in silence. 

"She's fucking loosing it" Jeff whispered softly to Ben- who nodded in agreement.

"Lets.. Lets get you home, okay?" Ben offered, pulling you to your feet when an officer approached the three of you. 

"You kids need a lift?" he offered, upon seeing that none of your parents were there yet. 

 "No sir, my older brother is picking us up at the gas station down the road I already called him" Jeff said, leading you two away from the man and down the street- you couldn't help but feel watched as Ben pulled you close to him. shivering- not due to the cold but because of the feeling. 

You could feel a faint static tingle in your head as the three of you walked down to the gas station, Jeff glanced behind at you for a moment, before finally speaking up.

"So.. You said you saw Toby?"

 "I did" 

"How do you know it was really him? It could've been someone who looks like him or maybe you're seeing th-"

 "I know what I saw, Jeff" 

 The boy sighed, turning to you just as you two reached the gas stations lights, which flickered gently. 

 "If you can't tell, Y/n I'm fucking worried about you and so is Ben. I'm sorry tonight turned out how it did- really. None of that was meant to happen, it was meant to be fun, it was meant to draw you out your shell you've been since the accident.. Since we lost Toby. I know it hurts but god dammit I want my friend back" 

The boy looked at you with pleading eyes as you pulled away from Ben's warm body, the cold air assaulted your skin but you ignored your bodies cries to huddle back under the blonde, or even hide behind Jeff's tall body. anything to get away from the feeling you felt, the feeling of watchful eyes that were growing jealous. 

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