Chapter 795 - 796

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Chapter 795 Cracks in Time and Space

Zelong slept for three full days.

When it opened its eyes, the place it was in was no longer the same place as before. The place had long been turned into ruins due to its fight with another demon king. Therefore, after Shan Mei left, Su Ziyi hugged it and left.

Now, it is lying on the ground in a cave.

The cave floor is relatively dry, and there is a fire burning next to it, making a crackling sound.

It climbed up and found that there was no other person or monster in the cave except it. However, the strong aura in the air indicated that the other party had just left not long ago, and might have just gone out to do errands temporarily. It withdrew its gaze. For the first time, it was not so eager to find Su Yulang. Instead, it looked at the fire in a daze.

For a long time, my eyes became red, but not a single tear fell from the beginning to the end.

When Su Ziyi and the others came back, they saw such a scene.

I don’t know what Shan Mei went to do. He took all the monsters away when he left. When Su Ziyi and the others went hunting, they couldn’t find a single monster for a long time. In the end, they had to catch some fish in the river and come back. . But they didn't expect that when they were walking back and discussing the whereabouts of those monsters, Zelong had already woken up.

Zelong still looks like a child, with a chubby face, fair skin and watery eyes, which makes him really attractive.

However, Su Ziyi and the three of them clearly knew how terrifying strength was hidden under the other's harmless expression. Even Su Ziyi could not guarantee that he would be able to win against the other party. However, even so, seeing the other party look so sad, the three of them were still a little touched, especially Su Yulang.

Su Yulang actually felt unfamiliar with Zelong's current appearance.

However, when Zelong's eyes looked over, he couldn't help but feel soft. A sense of familiarity directly connected them. Before Su Ziyi and the others could take action, he took the lead to step forward and hug him up.

Zelong also hugged his neck and buried his head between his neck.

After a long time, he choked up and said: "It doesn't want me anymore..." This was the first time Su Yulang and Zelong had seen such a fragile look in so many years of knowing each other.

Feeling these words, the little body held in his arms was trembling slightly. Su Yulang couldn't help but be infected by the other person's emotions. The tip of his nose felt a little sore. The hand on Zelong's back patted him gently. Just like when Eminem comforted him when he was a child.

During this process, Su Ziyi and Bian Qing did not disturb them from beginning to end.

Zelong lost control of his emotions because he couldn't accept it for a while. After Su Yulang comforted him, he quickly got out of his sad mood. He sniffed and looked up at Su Ziyi: "It Some messages were left in my body." After a moment of silence, it continued: "Perhaps you will be interested in these messages." Su Ziyi nodded and guessed that what Zelong said was what Shan Mei said when he left.

But there's no rush.

The fish they brought back were disemboweled and cooked over a fire. After they were eaten, they sat down around the firepit.

Zelong knew what he was going to do, so before Su Ziyi could ask, he dropped a bombshell: "The monster clan is going to war with you human cultivators."

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