02| Lookout Point

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We arrived at the entrance to Lookout Point, Kenji and I leading the way. Although the actual lookout Point was far up the west mountain, this bit with the raised platform, scattered seating, and blue umbrellas was where you got onto the gondolas.

The gondolas, if they were connected to the park's auxiliary power like the stuff in the security room down in the tunnels, would need to be on for us to get to Lookout Point; otherwise, our long walk would get longer.

"Welcome to Lookout Point!" Kenji said.

Everyone remained silent, looking around at the mess of an entrance. Yas and Brooklynn looked incredibly judging, their eyes on Kenji and me. I smiled sheepishly.

"Well, technically, Lookout Point is up there," I said, pointing at the far-away white platform at the top of the west mountain.

Darius squinted at the mountain, covering his eyes so the sun's harsh rays would stop blinding him. "So, how do we get up there?"

"Usually, we take the sky gondola, but since the power is out, we'll have to walk," I sighed.

"But it shouldn't be too bad. I think it's a one-to-five-day trek or so," Kenji said, looking at the far-away mountain as he calculated. He never did pass math class.

Yasmina laughed at us and stretched her arms and legs, saying, "That'll take me an hour."

"Great! I'll wait for you at the top," Brooklynn said smugly. We all turned to find her by the control panel near the frozen sky gondolas. She clicked one button, and the gondolas switched on with a whoosh, beginning to move round and round; "Tada!"

"Solar panels. Sky gondolas," Kenji said, nodding at Brooklynn's expertise. At the sour pout, Yasmina sent his way, he awkwardly grinned.

"Last one there's the... the last one there!" Kenji cheered once he made some distance between himself and Yasmina's glare. He ran onto the first gondola and whooped.

"I call shotgun!" Sammy cried, running onto the gondola after him.

Yasmina and Brooklynn raced to join them on the sky gondola, but the minute Sammy stepped in, the doors hissed shut. Kenji and Sammy pulled faces at the two girls and erupted into another giggling fit. Realising they would have to ride on the next gondola together, Brooklynn and Yasmina slowly turned to face each other with forced smiles. Incredibly forced smiles.

"Brooklynn..." Yas said in a strained voice.

"I guess we're going to ride together..." Brooklynn said.


Their forced smiles grew more prominent and awkward by the second, making it a little hard to watch. When the second gondola slowly stopped before them, the doors hissed open.

"After you," Yas beckoned towards the gondola.

"No, no, no. Really, after you," Brook replied, shaking her head and beckoning harder.


They both stepped into the gondola, Yas first and Brooklynn second. However, they spotted Darius and I were still waiting for a gondola. They started yelling for us to get into it the minute they saw us. Brooklynn–oh, it's always Brooklynn–went as far as to reach through the closing doors and pull me into the gondola. Yasmina tried to do the same with Darius, but the doors puffed sour air into her face before she got the chance. How lucky was he?

I looked between Brooklynn and Yasmina quietly. Because Brooklynn had graciously dragged me into this mess, I sat beside her and opposite Yas, far from the ideal situation. I looked out the gondola, and Darius was laughing so hard he almost fell over. I clasped my hands together and stared at him pleadingly.

𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now