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Tw ⚠️ sh

Dazais pov :
Him and chuuya are making dinner - chuuya is he's just watching .
"It's ready to be served , go get the kid "
"Oki dokie "

Dazai walks to Atsushi's room , knocking the door before walking in .
Getting no response so he opens it slowly .
Atsushi was on his front sleeping , phone with headphones attached by his head .
Dazai remembered how Atsushi was feelings yesterday and just closed the door on his way out .
"Is he coming ?"
"No he's sleeping "
"So he not gonna eat ?"
"Just leave some for him later , he wasn't well yesterday so he Pro didn't sleep much "
The three sit down and eat in an uncomfortable silence.
"Why's he here if he's sick ?"
"He's not sick-sick , he just had a headache and slight fever so he was told to rest , he looks better than yesterday though , he looked like he just rolled out his own grave "

They finished eating and went back to watching tv , akutagawa doing the washing up as dazai asked him to .
It's now getting close to 9 o'clock .
"We should go to bed , early start tomorrow "

Atsushi's pov :

He sat up and rubbed his eyes , going to check his phone for the time but it's dead .
He plugged it in and stood up to go to the bathroom .

In the hall he saw the time was 3:30 Am , he went to the bathroom and looked in the cupboards for soap as there wasn't any on the sink .
Moving things around and finding something much more interesting .
A sealed pack of razors , they must be for when you need to change them out .
He carefully unsealed the pack and lifted one out , nearly cutting his finger from how sharp it is .
He also took out a box of plasters that was in there .

Tw ⚠️ :
He rolled up his shirt and removed the bandages he had placed there previously , being careful as to not go to deep into the skin .

Tw ⚠️ over :

He placed on the last plaster and put everything back except the blade , he hid that under an un used pack of tissues and made his way back to bed .

He was woken up by sometime hitting him in the face .
There stood akutagawa holding his pillow .
"Get up weretiger "
"Okay "

He waited till akutagawa left to get changed then joined the others in the kitchen .
He was hungry so he grabbed an apple to be healthy .
"ok so today we're going to where the murder took place , crime techs have already been there but not touched anything , the family have been moved as they can't stay there . We're gonna have to interrogate them , Atsushi have you done that before ?"
"Yes "
"When ?"
"When you don't bother showing up for work "
Dazai stared and took another bite of his cereal .
"Oh but first we're going to the morg to look at the body "

Atsushi threw away his apple core and they got ready to leave , putting on a jacket as it was cold .
"What ?"
Atsushi asked as akutagawa was staring at him .
"That jacket doesn't fit you at all "
He looked down , the sleeves were way to long and had to be rolled .
"This isn't my jacket that's why "
"So who's is it then ?"
"Lucy's "
"Whos that ?"
"The girl with red hair that works at the café under the agency "
"Oh , why do you have her jacket ? And why is it bigger than you ? "
"We swapped as she wanted to and she has freakishly long arms "
Akutagawa nodded and they got in the car .

They pulled up to the morg and dazai turned to face Atsushi on the back seat .
"Are you gonna be ok Atsushi kun ?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be ? I've seen a dead body before"
"I know but you don't have the same past as us and aren't used to death "
"I've never told you about my past"
That said he gets out the car .

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