Chapter 4 - "Goddamn clowns."

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Started: 10:49am
Tw: swearing 😱

Nobody's pov
Ashton fell asleep while he waited for Kai and the others to get to his place, probably gonna be woken up by them when they do come in.
Kai, Cyrus, Leo, Luna and Violet all decided to meet up at the park so they could go to Ashton's place together to assumably surprise him. They all went to the park, their bags with their clothes and a few other stuff on their backs. Kai texted Ashton that they were on their way but Ashton obviously didn't get the text since he was napping.

They started walking to his place, chatting a bit and all that.

Kai's pov
Me and the others all met up at the park to go walking to Ashton's place together. I started to chat with them while I texted Ashton that we were on our way, but he didn't reply back. I brushed it off and just continued to chat with them while we walked there. After about 10 minutes of walking we eventually made it to Ashton's place, going up to his front door and knocking. From the inside I could hear some music faintly playing, seeming to be 'lovers rock', by Tv Girl. I knocked on the door again since he didn't answer the first time, but once again, he didn't answer.

I let out a small sigh of annoyance, muttering to myself, "this fucking idiot is ignoring us.."
I decided to just try opening the door, and surprise surprise, it was locked. But, good news is, I had a spare key to the house. So, I pulled out the key from my bag, that I brought just in case to unlock the door.

We all walked in, looking around a little in the front lounge room, but not finding him. So, we went to the back lounge room where we found Ashton asleep on the lounge with one of his arms dangling off the side of the lounge and his shirt a little scruffy and lifted a little. Just to mention, he was still in his school uniform

"Is he actually sleeping?"
I questioned, looking at him on the lounge, sleeping. I put my bag down and approached him, the others watching for what I was doing. I approached him, bending over him a little to try seeing his face since he was facing away from us. I put a hand up, giving him one firm slap on the back of the head, waiting to see for his reaction. As soon as I slapped him on the back of his head, he squirmed around a little, letting out a frustrated groan and slapping my hand away, seeming to be half asleep and probably thinking it was one of his siblings or something.

I let out a small snicker at his half asleep annoyance, finding it a little entertaining. To get a laugh out of the others, I slapped the back of his head again in attempt to get them to laugh, and also wake him up.

Ashton's pov
I was asleep, not really aware of my surroundings until I felt a sorta hard slap on the back of my head. I was half asleep, thinking it was one of my siblings. I slapped whoever's hand back, letting out a groan of annoyance in my tired state. But then again, I felt another slap, a little harder this time. Now I was waking up, turning around with my eyes barely open, a frown on my face as I rubbed my eyes, trying to see who it was.
I looked up to the person, surprised to see Kai in front of me and the others behind her, snickering at my tiredness.

"When'd you get here..?"
I mumbled out tiredly, still rubbing my eyes and sitting up, a little confused as well just to mention. I sat up, my legs crossed and my clothes still a little ruffled from sleeping.

"We just got here." Kai answered back with a sweet smile, sitting down next to me while the others sat around on the other lounge and on this lounge. "Oh, ok.." I said back, still waking up properly. The others obviously noticed my tiredness and slight confusion and laughed a little at me.
"I'm gonna go change.."
I mumbled out, standing up with a small stretch before walking over to the stairs and up them, going up to my room without another word to them. They followed me up, sitting outside my room while I changed. I got up to my room, going in and locking the door behind me while I searched through my drawers for some more comfier clothes for the evening.

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