Chapter 20 - "He's got a fucking girlfriend."

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Started: 3:05pm
Tw: swearing, underaged drinking

Ashton's pov
It's been a couple months since the fight between me and dad. I think he's still pretty annoyed by it, which is a bit childish since it was like 2 months ago! It's currently October now, meaning it was Halloween soon. There would be a party tonight, which I was going to with Kai and the others. Everyone had to dress up since it was Halloween themed. I was going as Michael Myers, Kai was going as Ghostface, Leo and Luna were going as an angel and demon, matching with each other, Cyrus was going as a clown, and lastly Violet was going as an alien. We had to sneak out though, sadly, since we probably wouldn't be allowed to go if we had asked our parents. Right now I was currently at the shops, in target and looking for a Michael Myers's mask.

"There it is.." I mumbled to myself, grabbing a mask I found, going back to the self checkout section and paying for it. I already had the jumpsuit, and just needed the mask, which I got. The party would start around 9pm tonight, giving me plenty of time to get ready since it was only around 5pm.
I walked out of target, going to get some food before going back home. I ended up getting some donuts before going back home. Once back at home I opened the front door, walking inside and shutting the door behind me, seeing that Ash, Ashlyn or Asher weren't anywhere downstairs. I sighed before walking through the house, going upstairs and to my room, hearing that Ashlyn was in her room, on the phone to her friends and girlfriend.

I've been feeling a bit more better these last couple months since Lucas, Kyle and James were no longer at the school. I still did get teased and picked on every now and again, but I haven't gotten into any physical fights or anything, luckily. Tonight I'll probably just keep to myself, I don't wanna get drunk or anything since I still need to get back home on my own, and also needing to keep sober just in case Kai, or one of the others get a bit too tipsy. I don't really go to parties much, every now and again I go just because Cyrus or whatever bribes me to go, apparently since it's more fun with me, even though I'm probably the most boring one there.
The girl hosting the party I didn't know much, but she seemed ok, not really being too much of a bitch, more so nice from what I've seen. I've spoken with her a few times, only small talk, and she's pretty nice to me. I've been to a few of her parties, and she has good music taste, which made me slightly more eager about it since it wasn't gonna be shitty music blasting throughout the night.

I chucked the stuff I got down onto my bed, taking out my AirPods and turning my music off, setting my phone down on my dresser. I brung my hands up to my face, rubbing it as I yawned, just a second or two after looking up to my ceiling, going backwards and falling onto my bed, sighing.
"I need to try that jumpsuit thing on.." I mumbled to myself after about a minute or two of laying in silence. I got up off my bed, grabbing the costume and quickly slipping into it.

"Fuck, it's hot in this thing," I groaned out, walking over to my mirror, looking at myself. It was a bit smaller from when the last I had it on, which was around two years ago, when I was 13. It was a bit too fitting for my liking, but I just sucked it up and dealt with it. After a little of just staring at myself, I rolled my eyes, taking off this stupid jumpsuit and laying on my bed, setting an alarm for 8pm just in case I fell asleep while I was on my phone passing the time. After a little of just laying in bed on TikTok, I ended up opening up Spotify, putting on My Own Summer (Shove it), by Deftones on repeat, closing my eyes and taking a nap while I waited for time to pass.


"Yo, Ashton, wake up.." I could hear someone faintly say while I was in a light sleep. I groaned at the voice, not recognising who it was and instead turning my back to them, pulling my messy blanket over my body, including my head, not wanting to get up as I was still half asleep.
"Ashton, it's almost like.. 9:30, we're already a bit late to the party," I heard another voice say, still not quite recognising it. I let out a whine of annoyance, kicking the blanket off me and turning to see who it was, finding that Leo, Kai, Cyrus, Luna and Violet were in my room, all dressed up. "How the fuck... how did you get inside?!" I asked them, confused as my brain was still waking up.

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