Chapter 8 - "Fuck off,"

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Started 9:58pm
Tw: swearing, bullying😔

Ashton's pov

"Goddamn it.." I groaned, sitting up on my bed as I reached for my phone on my bedside cupboard. I stopped my alarm, picking up my phone and checking the time, it being 5:30am, as usual. I sat for a couple minutes, just staring straight ahead at my door, in a slight tired daze. Eventually, after those couple minutes I got out of bed, getting my school uniform out of my drawers, as well as some new boxers of course and heading into my bathroom, taking a shower before getting dressed into my uniform afterwards.
I had put on a long sleeved shirt and some shorts. My uniform shirt was a light grey, almost white in colour, my shorts were a dark, greyish blue with 'Mirrorson high' written on the bottom of the shorts.

I walked out the bathroom, going over to my wardrobe, opening it and grabbing my shoes, as well as grabbing a pair of socks from my drawer, putting the both of them on before going into Ashlyn's room and waking her up and doing the same with Ash and Asher.
After waking them up I went downstairs, noticing mum and dad were already gone for work. I went out into the kitchen grabbing out the dog food from under the counter, going out the back and filling her bowl up, noticing she was still asleep, luckily.
I went back inside, going back to the kitchen to find Ash already at the table and eating, she just wasn't dressed in her schools clothes yet, so that's probably why she was down her so quickly. I didn't bother speaking with her since we were probably both tired, probably not wanting to interact so early in the morning. I just got my own breakfast, which was some cereal, eating it at the counter before washing up my own bowl and that. Afterwards, I went out the front, watering the plants with the hose before going back inside, going back up to my room and fixing up my hair a little so it wasn't so scruffy.

After fixing my hair, I fixed up my bed and all that before going back downstairs once again, seeing Asher and Ashlyn now eating their breakfast. All the curtains and all that had been opened down here, which I assumed Ashlyn did since she does that on school mornings usually. I made my lunch and all that for school, packing it into my bag before going back upstairs once again, checking on my timetable which classes I had so I brung the right books.
I packed all my work books into my bag and that, dropping my bag down at my door and plopping onto my bed, going on my phone to pass time. It was about 6:13am by now, and we usually started to walk to school around 7:50am to get to school just as the gates opened.

(Small time skip to around 7:40am)

After that time passed, I sat up off my bed, grabbing my bag and heading downstairs, seeing Asher and Ash sitting on the lounge and chatting a bit, just generally about some recent drama they've heard from their friends. I looked at them for a second before asking, "where's Ashlyn?" They both looked over to me, Ash shrugging and Asher saying, "still upstairs,"
I groaned at his response before nodding, heading upstairs and knocking on her door, asking with annoyance "what the hell are you doing?"

"Shut up, I'm looking for something..!" She answered back with annoyance, to which I just groaned, shaking my head a little before going back to my room, grabbing my AirPods out from my drawer and going back downstairs, putting the song, 'Do I wanna know?' By Arctic Monkeys on repeat. I told Ash and Asher that I'd be waiting out the front for the three of them, expecting them to hurry Ashlyn up so we got there at our usual time.
I sat out on the front veranda, resting my face in the palms of my hands, closing my eyes and patiently waiting for them to come out so we can head to school.

After about another 5 or 10 minutes, they eventually came out. "Fucking finally. You three take forever.." I grumbled out, standing up and putting my bag around my back, not bothering to look to them and just walking up the driveway before walking down the road to the high school.
They slowly followed behind me, Ash and Asher bickering a little while Ashlyn stayed silent, presumably too tired to shut them up. After about a short ten minute walk we eventually made it there, the three of them heading to their own friends while I made my way to the quad, sitting down under some stairs and resting my eyes for a couple minutes before I would eventually get up so I could start getting in line for role call and all that.

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