Chapter 12 - Tattoos

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Started: 1:59am
Tw: swearing 🤯🤯🤯

(Chapter might seem a little random, but trust me, it'll be a lil important for later)

Ashton's pov
I had been laying down on my phone for a couple hours, not really wanting to sleep since I would have to go to school in the morning. I felt so fucking bored and drained, having the hardest urge to sneak out and go for a walk through the streets. That is until an idea came to my mind, a really fucking stupid one. I instantly exited out of TikTok, going onto discord and spamming Cyrus in his dm's, knowing he would still very likely be awake.

( Ashton > Cyrus )
CyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrusCyrus, wake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake upwake up (x10)
I really wanna go to Alex's place
Wut for?
A fucking tattoo
K, meet me at the end of ur street
I got out of bed, heading to my wardrobe and grabbing a jumper, putting it on before slipping on my shoes, quietly walking out my room and into Ashlyn's, knowing she was awake since I could faintly hear her voice speaking to a friend from my room. I opened the door a little, saying, "I'm just going out somewhere for like an hour or so. If I'm not at school today, I'm probably dead, ok?" "I don't really care. Go away," is all she said back, to which I just flipped her off, leaving her door open and going back into my room, opening the window and jumping down into the bushes just below my window.

"Fuck.." I groaned out, crawling out the bush and landing on my back, laying there for a couple seconds before standing once more, sneaking off down to the back of the yard, being quiet as to not wake the dog. Once I was down the back of the yard I quickly jumped my fence and into the woods out back, turning right and walking down this little dirt path that I was on.
I was walking for about 5 minutes until I reached the path, once again making a small right and walking up to the corner of the path, sitting down on the curb and silently waiting for Cyrus, going on my phone in the meantime.

Cyrus's pov
I snuck out my window, grabbing my phone on the way out, not really even bothering to put any sort of jumper or jacket on since I had some pretty cozy pyjamas on. I walked down the street, walking for about 10-15 minutes before finally seeing Ashton sat on the curb, completely oblivious to me sneaking up on him.
I started to make sure my steps weren't so loud as they were before, planning to scare him as I had saw this as the perfect opportunity. I snuck up behind him, taking a small breath in before shouting slightly into his ear, eliciting a shout from him.

"WHAT THE FUCK-" I audibly laughed at his shout, giving him a smack in the head before offering my hand to help him up. "Should've had your guard up, Ashy," I joked, helping him up before giving him a nudge in the shoulder, starting to walk down the street to Alex's place, expecting him to follow me.
"Shut up, and don't call me that.." he grumbled out, shooting a glare in my direction, obviously annoyed at how I scared him like that. "What kinda fucking tat did ya want though?" I asked him, looking in his direction with a cheeky grin, expecting him to bjust show a stupid little picture of the tattoo he wanted, but what I didn't expect is him to pull up an image of a sorta fucking big tattoo that was placed at the shoulder blades. "Jesus fucking Christ. Isn't that a bit overboard for a first tattoo?" I laughed out, feeling that he was just joking about it, but his reply didn't really make it seem like he was.

"Meh, I don't really care. I have high pain tolerance, I'll be able to handle it," "hmm, I don't know, Ashton," I replied back, looking up to his face without any worry, knowing that what he said was pretty truthful. "I'll be fine," he said, smiling a little at me before turning his head back to the front of him, not saying anything else.
"What if we fucking got Leo," I said casually, not turning to look at him, just wanting to see if he'd agree. "What if we also got the fucking girls," he said, looking over to me from the corner of his eye, a small smirk planted across his lips. "Oh my fucking god. Yes," I replied back with excitement, instantly pulling out my phone and spamming the group chat on discord

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