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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Season 1

"Scott, we're brothers now."

And pack takes care of pack.

Melissa McCall fought to suppress the distressed whine bubbling her throat. It was her day off, the first one in a while, and she needed to get the grocery shopping done. Scott was a teenager now, and he could easily eat them both out of house and home. And with how often Stiles came over, she really need to restock on supplies.

Unfortunately, the grocery list taped to the fridge was missing, and she couldn't remember everything they needed. Running around the house, she tried to make a new list in her head of the most urgent necessities. Was she really out of shampoo already? And did Scott already eat the rest of the hamburger helper? She didn't remember fixing any, and Scott was at lacrosse practice, so it wasn't like she could ask him.

Then again, she couldn't remember the last time she was in the kitchen to cook more than a microwaveable dinner.

Grabbing her purse and keys, she swung open the door-

-and nearly tripped over the stack of grocery bags piled up in front of her.

Her purse fell out of her hand, and the keys clattered to the ground. She knelt down, brushing her dark curls out of her eyes as she fingered the hastily scribbled note peeking out of the nearest bag.

Hope this is everything, Mrs. McCall.

Melissa cupped a hand over her mouth to hold back the shocked sobs, and she felt her shoulders shake. Who could have done this? Why didn't they stick around so she could thank them? She couldn't believe the literal miracle on her doorstep, and she wished she could hug the neck of whoever had left the simple plastic bags for her and her son.

Looking up and down the street, she didn't see anyone, so she quickly grabbed as many bags as she could carry in both hands. Turning around to go back inside, she didn't see the black Camaro revving down the street.

Sifting through the bags, she found everything she needed and even some things she didn't think to write down. Some of the food brands she didn't recognize, and those she did were the more expensive brands she usually bypassed. Even the quick meal-prep dinners were the healthier choices that usually costed a small fortune compared to her paycheck. She was terrified to think about what the bill had been for the kind stranger.

But as she started putting the food away, her mind trailed off to another conclusion that worried her. Someone had broken into her house. And even though nothing was stolen that she could see, a tingle of fear crawled up her spine at the idea of a stranger inside her house.

Then again...whoever he is did just buy her groceries. Maybe he was a friend of hers that wanted to remain anonymous? Whoever it was, her heart sang in gratitude. The potential B&E could wait.

Derek sighed, fingers tightening around the steering wheel of his beloved Camaro as he drove away from the McCall residence. After finding out Scott was the new beta and saving him from Chris Argent and his little band of hunters, the born wolf decided to look into Scott's family history.

When he found out he was the son of Melissa McCall, Derek felt a surge of obligation to the woman. For many years ago, it was that same curly haired nurse that helped wheel his Uncle Peter into surgery after the Hale fire. She was that same nurse that took care of him and Laura as they waited in the hospital for news of their uncle's condition.

He had been around Scott's age then, but he could still remember the way she pulled him and his sister in a tight embrace when Laura began to break down. When his new Alpha decided to take them out of Beacon Hills to protect themselves, Derek felt weirdly guilty for not saying anything to Melissa.

But by tracking Scott and making the connection, Derek also found out that Melissa's husband had left them several years ago. Anger surged through the wolf's being, and claws threatened to slide out from his fingertips.

Pack never abandoned pack, and an Alpha especially never left his family for his own personal gain. An Alpha wasn't just a leader. A real Alpha protected and cared for their pack.

Scott and Melissa were practically Omegas, and that thought stirred an unfamiliar feeling in the beta's chest. Omega's never survived long on their own. So when Derek slipped easily into the McCall residence and saw the exhausted mother passed out on the couch in her scrubs and heard the creaky bed frame of the new werewolf upstairs, he decided then and there that they were pack. He himself may not be an Alpha, but he would take care of them all the same.

Snatching the grocery list from the fridge had been easy, but he had to wait a few hours before Scott left the house for lacrosse practice before he could get what they needed and drop it off without being seen or heard. Thankfully Scott had been too excited about making first line to catch the older beta's scent.

Derek waited a few houses down, keeping the front door just within his enhanced vision. After seeing the nurse's shocked face and watching her scoop the groceries inside, he drove off, hoping that he got everything she needed. He thought he grabbed everything on the list and even threw in a few extra meals. Feeding a teenage werewolf was definitely no joke. But he couldn't be sure if that was enough, and he mentally cursed himself for being so overbearing.

They would be fine. He would make sure of it.

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