Deep slumber

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Author's POV

Yoongi was waiting for Jimin and Eunjae outside the door. Soon the main gate opened and Eunjae's car came into the view.

"What took you guys so long?" He asked getting close to the car.

"Don't ask. Go get Eunjae out of the car and don't wake her up, I will talk to you later." Jimin said with a pat on his shoulder and went inside.

He opened the car door to see Eunjae sleeping and picks her up in his arms when he notice her tears. He put her in her bed first before going to his brother who knows what happened.

"Jimin. What happened with Eunjae? You both went for just a check-up but what actually happened?" He sat on his brother's bed when Jimin turned to him with a straight face to him, it was strange of him to do so infront of Yoongi.

"Hyung, you might not know and I can see that you don't know this one but you actually don't know one thing that she still didn't share with you or someone else. That one point is connected with all the things we don't know, there is this one one thing we need to know if we want to connect all the pieces and its written all over Eunjae's face that she will never ever reveal it, not so soon, not this easily." Jimin said and shook his head while lowering it.

"There is something, the answer to all the riddles, its that." He whispered with confusion in his eyes and coldness in hus voice.

"What that might be?" Yoongi asked, he hadn't had a single idea of what is the answer to all the problems, a single solution to their hint.

"I have no idea about it. The only thing I know is there is something she regrets doing apart from all the events we have experienced with her, she wants to stop doing it but she can't, she feels guilty for doing it, she can't get off her mind of it. I don't know myself what to do in this situation." He explained, trying not to sound weird because it was already weird of them to talk about someone's mental health like that, they never had such a talk, about such a delicate matter of someone's health.

"You do understand what I am saying right? We gotta take it slow and easy. I have gotten all the medications for her depression and there is a slight change in her health but its unstable and not so constant." Jimin straight up go for the simple way and Yoongi nod.

"Okay. I will keep it in my mind. Thanks bro." He say and stand up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Jimin inquired before getting up as well to leave his room and have some snacks.

"To get someone. Special." He said with an okay sign and walked away taking his car keys.

Eunjae's POV

I was in a deep slumber till I felt someone's hand over my head, taking their time to shuffle my hair behind my ears.

I was almost done with my sleeping so I decided to peek through my little open eyes to get a sight of the someone.

There was a chuckle from another direction as I peek while squinting my eyes.

"Gosh! We know you are awake, Eunjae." Was it Yoongi? I think.

I turned back and yeah it is Yoongi.

"Why you gotta be so damn loud? Sheesh!" I sat up while rubbing the corner of my eye.

As I turn back to look who had been messing with my hair, I was in utter shock.

"Abeoji?!" My eyes widen and he smile at me.

"Looks like the sleep has more space in your heart now that I was gone? You didn't even call me from 2 days you know." He scowled as I jump at him for a much needed hug.

Because of the event earlier, I was out in another trance and lost. But now it feels like I finally a torch to show me the way to my destination.

"Ah you have gotten skinner! Eat some food, will you? You know how many times I have explained to you that you need to eat at all times!" He scolded but that had no effect on me, I don't care about food or sleep, I just need him near me.

"Yes, I will! Since you have came." I said and rest in his embrace flr a while before pulling away and settling my hair down that were flying up because of my fast movement.

"Thanks Yoongi." I knew it was him all along and that he got abeoji back here and thats what thankful I am to him, he had taken such great care of me and now this was overwhelming as my eyes hold back those happy tears of reunion.

"Of course! You were so grumpy all the time, I had to do something." He said and roll his eyes playfully and smirk, dark enough.

"So how good did he took care of you?" Abeoji asked and it was my time smirk at him.

"Well, abeoji, you know, maybe average." I acted to think for a while answering as well as looking at him from the corner of my eye.

"Average?!" He shouted a bit but lowered it immediately.

"Below average?" I tried playing more and I was at the verge of laughing at his face, he had such confused and offended face while abeoji knew I was just playing around so his reaction was funny too.

"Below average?! Eunjae you gotta be kidding me!" He shook his head in denial when I brust out laughing.

"Yeah, that's right! I was kidding you lil boi." That face of his is gonna be the death of me, just look at those expressions!

"Yah you are so bipolar sometimes!" I keep on laughing till I realised how silly it was of me but how genuine that laugh of mine felt, to myself.


*Edited- I might have cut down alot of things but those don't suit this book like this type of scene does.

New update since I am bored and don't wanna do my homework!

Please vote! I have been posting almost daily so please!

Bye bye.

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