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Leondre was on his way out of the airport about to cross the road , suddenly he received a phone call from his hench man and he quickly grabbed the phone out of his pocket as he was crossing the road he saw a blue open car coming towards him and his eyes grew wider he didn't believe what he was seeing he's phone dropped down and he let go of his suitcase the car hit him and he fell to the ground the next thing he knew he was in the hospital next to him was an elegant lady who seemed familiar to him then she noticed he was conscious and asked him in a gentle voice "Uum excuse me sir I would like to know your name ? ",he heard her clearly but kept quite for some time and said "I don't remember my name and who are you?" she replied hesitantly "I am Samantha" she then called the doctor who came immediately and run a few check ups on him and discovered that the patient lost his memory .The lady said "He seems to have lost his memory and I can't find anything that belongs to him except his ID card stating that his name is Alexander Cheng from China and his suitcase".He said to himself in his mind «Thank God I have different identities and she knows the fake one ,for now»,The doctor said "I guess you will have an extra person in your house until we locate his family if that's okay with you ?, she replied "oh okay then ,you can give me the documents that I have to sign" he gave her the documents she signed them .She called for a taxi to pick her up and Alex.They both got into the car Alex looked at her intently her hair was auburn brown, her eyes were hazel ,her eyelashes long and thick, her eyebrows were thinly lined, her nose defined ,her lips pink and defined and her body petite.To him she had never changed one bit she always looked the same ,the driver interrupted his gaze towards her by saying "Madam here we are pay up",she gave him some cash and came out of the car and so did Alex come out she got his luggage at the back of the car and told Alex to follow her and he did as wise.They entered into the gate and found a pool and a very nice small house that looked fancy.They entered the house and she said "wellcome to my cabin "he said "wow it looks great " in his mind he thought «I guess grandpa is doing a great job ».She said "your room is at the left that's we're you will take your luggage mine is at the right don't know enter my room"he said "oh thank you ,uumh if I may ask what is your occupation "she replied "Am the personal assistant to the CEO of Delacalzada expresso company" he said to himself «I hope he doesn't like her ».She then decided to go to her room he also went to his room and took a shower and wore a baggie sweat pant and shirt with some socks and house shoes he lay on the bed starring at the ceiling.Samantha was from taking a shower and she wore a baggie shirt and bum short with some house shoes then she begun to think about the demi god she just saw with blue eyes if you look closer into them you would see specs of gold ,his hair was black and in a middle part hairstyle his nose defined ,his lips pink and defined and he's body seemed to be muscular with his eight pack as she was thinking she was enveloped by darkness and fell asleep.
Alexander was in his room he made a phone call ,he called one of his trusted henchmen Chun Mingyuan and he answered and said "Boss you are with the Madam ,what about your grandfather ?" he replied "He will get over it " Chun said "But boss what if your grandfather goes extreme ?" he then replied "Then I will do the same"then he cut the line .
Back in China the president Mr li Xukai who is Leondre's(Alexander Cheng) grandfather was in his office sitted peacefully, he was an old man in his late fifties and had silverish grey hair with a middle part hairstyle and his black eyes shine , he wore a black suit and had his golden walking stick after two minutes a man in a black suit and some sunglasses came in he looked buff he said with a cold tone "Sir Mr luo Xukai is in korea with Mrs Xukai " Note that :leondre is luo's english name and Alexander is one of his fake names while Mrs Xukai is samantha which is her fake name her real name is An xu chua since she's married into the Xukai family she is Mrs An Xukai.

Upon hearing that the old man stood up from his sit ,held his golden walking stick and raised his voice "How and why did you let that happen " the hench man looked down and said"Am sorry Mr President" then he replied in a cold tone "I never wanted him to go to korea and be with her until she recovered fully wherever he is he causes trouble we all know that I just want my granddaughter in law to be safe " the man said "I understand you boss " then he said "What the hell do you understand get out of here before I blow up you tiny brain " and the man left immediately without any hesitation.The old man sat down in despair he begun to recall all the memories he had with her when she would push his wheel chair up and down and how he always wanted a grand daughter unfortunately his daughter and husband had a boy and died when there boy was young and he is the one who took up the responsibility of taking care of his grandson who grew up and became the Mafia king and met Ming but then things changed when she was in an accident and lost her memory .
Back in korea samantha who lay down in her bed woke up and remembered that she left the company's car at the hospital before she could get up to look for it she received a phone call and she answered the man who called her was the CEO of Delacalzada expresso company his name was Monty Delacalzada he was mexican he had black hair tied into a pony tail and he's hair was cleanly shaven in the sides his nose was not defined he's lips were brown he had a scar on his left eye in the black market he was commonly known as scar man he said in his cold voice "Samantha where the hell did you leave the car I had to get it picked up ?" then she replied in a trembling tone "Am sorry " he said "I asked you where did you leave the damn car ?" she replied "At the hospital Sir " then he said softly "Mi vida try not to have a short memory ,you know what anywhere you wanna go to I will drive you myself isn't that fair ?" She replied "Thanks sir " he said "Mwa Mwa (he kissed the phone ( rest well Mi vida I love you"she then cut the phone call then Monty said to himself «she's shy ,I like it» he smirked proudly.Samantha was happy that he never did anything stupid since he seemed to be mad but later cooled down.She got up ran to the kitchen and prepared noodle and beef stew and served on the dinning table and went to Alex's door and knocked but there was no response though he heard her and quickly took off his shirt to expose his perfected abs and acted as if he were asleep she knocked for the third time and got worried then she opened the door and she was dumbfounded what was she seeing damn his abs looked amazing he opened one eye to peek at her then he opened the other eye and yawned he said in hoarsely "How can I help ?" she replied trying to swallow her saliva and control her breathing rate "Uumh uumh dinner is ready" then he stood up and stood right in front of her leaning closer and making her breathing even worse when he lifted up his hand and placed his hand on the walk and said "then ....." she added "we can go for a walk I mean showing you around korea " then she quickly looked back and ran quickly to the dinning table and said to herself «I barely know him why
do I feel this way his a total stranger » she sat down,prayed and begun to eat and he joined her a few minutes later with a shirt on this time then he said "Am sorry I made you feel uncomfortable Miss Samantha accept my apology please" she replied "Its not a big deal after all that was nothing "then he said "Ao I can be like that anytime I feel like ?"she replied"yes,No as in I didn't mind but now I do" he said calmly "If you say so Miss Samantha " she said "Please just call me Sam" he nodded in agreement as soon as they were done eating she washed the plates and went to her room and put on a black cape on ,red lipstick and some fancy boot and she let her hair flow when she can out of the room he starred at her intently and she said softly "is there anything wrong with how I look ?"he said "No you just look .." she said"huh?" he said "never mind".They went out and were in the streets of kyoto she said "well I may have a well to do job Alex but am thinking I should retire " Alex asked"why? " She answered "My boss doesn't seem genuine " Alex said to himself «He must be into drug dealing » Alex asked her «what's his name ?" she answered "Monty Delacalzada from Mexico " Alex said to himself again «he's not a big guy in the industry he shouldn't be a pain in the ass ". He said "Well don't you feel tired ?" she replies "Not until I
Can treat you ?" she then holds his hands and runs along with him reaching to their final destination which is kintoyo's sushi palace where they sit on there table and order some sushi ,Alex eats it and says "This is so good " Samantha says "I know right not even good can describe this food ,anyways tell me about you Alex " he then says "well I don't remember anything so....." then she says "dont worry you Will recover I also have a similar condition that's what the doctor said I lost my memory but I can only remember my childhood till university but the rest I can't remember am 28 years old I hope I find my Mr right " then Alex says "what if he's sitted right in front of you "" then they both burst into laughter though he meant what he said .
The next morning Samantha woke up and took a quick shower she wore a beige short skirt with buttons and a crop jacket with some black heels, she made a ponytail, put some red lipstick on her lips ,grabbed her mini hand bag she came out of her room and found Alex sitted on the couch and gave her this stare that he has been giving her since they met and then she said"Good Morning am running late for work " He said "Good morning thanks ,that's why you look so stunning ",she said "uumh thank you"her cheeks turned red then she said "thanks and bye " she quickly came out of the house and found a black car waiting for her outside and she hoped in it and it drove her straight to work.Immediately it stopped she came out of the car and put on some sunglasses when she just entered into the building all eyes where on her two ladies who were at the reception doing their work said "is she trying so seduce the boss ?" the other said "she is forcing herself on him " then she went to them and said "A beauty like me doesn't need to force anyone unlike you two who can't even be fixed by makeup look at yourself standards before you talk about anyone ".Immediately she said that Mr Delacalzada came in the company and fixed his eyes on Samantha and said "Samantha to my office right now " he said an an authoritative voice and continued walking up the stairs and she glared at the two girls and left quickly.His office was fancy enough he sat on his cormfy chair and said "Guards give us some space " all his men came out of the room and she was still upstanding he said softly "Take a sit Samantha " she immediately sat down " He said "In a few weeks time am going to have a client from China ,he is a very big client by one word he can get this building blown so I need you to be my chinese interpreter for the meeting since I don't understand chinese am sure your language interpreting skills will come in handy " she replied "Okay I think that's an easy task I won't mess up anyways let me go tomy office and finish up my paper work before lunch "Mr Monty said "you look gorgeous " she says "what do you mean " he says hesitantly "Ummy I was thinking we should have lunch together " she grabs the door handle and says "I will see" she lives instantly.He remains there sitted and smirks and says "Mi vida You will slowly give into me ".
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