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Samantha was sitted at her office desk the office she had shared with Leondre was luxurious it was big enough to be  a store .She didn't have much to do after organizing the files and clearing Leondre's desk she decided to move around the company and get to know people .She headed to the R&D department (Research and Development department),when she entered the department everyone gazed at her she looked like a stunning goddess who fell from heaven .Mr Bai zhi the vice president of the R&D department said “How are you ?may I know your name ?”, she replied “ am okay and you,my name is Samantha and you ?” he said “Am Mr Bai Zhi Vice president of the R&D department am guessing you are an intern ” , everyone was looking at the two then he said “you know what if you want to start easily the best thing you can do is help us all with our work and treat us all for dinner by the way you look stunning ,you look single”he smirked weirdly then everyone also laughed then Su man tian came in she was the director of the R&D department she said “you might as well start with mopping the floor” everyone laughed at her then Leondre and Chun came in the room immediately Leondre stepped foot into the department everyone felt silence he released a domineering aura such that everyone in the room kept quite and acted as though they where working  others even started to shiver and sweat he said in a an authoritative  tone “Looks like my personal assistant Sam has visited the R&D department already ,go deal with the paper work I've left on my desk ” she had left everyone was surprised that she was his personal assistant and that she could enter his office no one was allowed to enter his office only Chun Mingyuan  and his cleaner . Leondre said with an authoritative  tone “A deduction of half your monthly salaries for slandering my assistant secondly this goes to Bai Zhi Samantha is taken  ”,Su Man tian  said “we are deeply sorry for how we treated Miss Samantha Sir we are too incompetent and lowly we lack knowledge we shall not make the same mistake again ”leondre left the room and Chun Mingyuan said “As your vice president I would like to advise you that any slight mistake you make can get you fired ”.he left them .
Su Man tian's Pov.
My name is Su Man tian I've worked for Leondre since I graduated  from The university of China I've worked my butt off to get to where I am ,my goal was to become his personal assistant so that I can get closer to him and make him fall in love with me but unfortunately things haven't worked out well as you can see but no matter what I will make sure that Samantha girl regrets being his personal assistant nothing will stop me from achieving my goal I will do anything even the dirtiest thing to get what I want and what I want is Leondre to be mine alone .
Leondre and Samantha where in the office  he said “you are my assistant don't let any one step on you you will tarnish my reputation and by the way you can keep the car ”,Samantha replied “do you think it's appropriate for your assistant to stay in your house and  share the same bedroom with you ” she left him and he pointed his finger at the door and  said “doesn't she not appreciate everything I give her all that I do for her such an ungrateful woman ” Samantha shouted “I can hear you Leo ” .
During lunch time Samantha sat down at the cafeteria a man named Antonio was staring at her while she was working with her laptop he was an American he then came to her and said “what's a fine lady like you doing all alone by the way am Antonio and your name please ” she said “samantha” he said “you are a beauty indeed you know this outfit brings out your fine body  and where I come from we would call you preciosa (Spanish for lovely) and if you were mine I would call you mi Reina (my queen )”  Samantha said “seems like you are a mexican who is good with your words ” she smiled ,at that moment Leondre had been observing the two with Chun Mingyuan  since they where on the stairs Leondre called out “Samantha come to my office right now ” he looked pissed everyone looked at her she said to Antonio “nice meeting you see you later ” she quickly grabbed her stuff and headed to Leondre's office Antonio smirked .
She entered the office Leondre was sitted on his chair ,she put her things on her desk and she sat down on her chair which was at the left side of his room and his desk was at the center directly to the door she said “why did you call me ,you don't take coffee in the afternoon ” he said “seems like you have a lot of free time,so I want you to be cleaning my office everyday three times a day secondly don't wear whatever you are wearing ,desses,heels for work  ” she said to him “what the hell is wrong with you ,why should you deprive me of wearing what I want ” he said “ I don't have to answer your question am the CEO here then you do all my work I've gone home” he left her in the office alone.
It was 16:00 hrs Leondre is an overbearing and domineering CEO he never gets off early from work and that means no none can knock off before him ,people saw him leave the building everyone was surprised in the new change they all wandered why he knocked off early from work , everyone got their stuff and left work the only people who remained  in the building where the security guards and Samantha she was so buried in her work that she didn't notice that time was moving .
It was 20:00 hrs Leo's grandfather asked “ where is My granddaughter?” he replied “at work ,grandpa let's enjoy our supper ” grandfather let the dinning table Leondre continued eating and went to his room he took a shower and wore his pajama he slept .
It was 23:00 hrs it started to rain then grandfather went to Leo's room and spanked Leo with his walking stick and said “you bustard wake up your wife is not home yet and you are here sleeping comfortably it's raining you will have to walk to your work place Leo said “old man scram am sleeping ” grandfather said “i will shut down your company don't forget am your president ” Leo stood up and said “let me change ” grandfather said ““you ain't changing go get her now !” Leondre left him and grabbed a rain coat he walked to his workplace found her sitted on her desk she had finished all the paperwork he could have finished the next day he said “its not like I wanna be here am just standing in place of grandpa so lets go ” she complied when they reached where the car was she gave him the car keys and said “since grandpa sent you tell him I don't wanna go with you  I will come home by myself ” he got the car keys and sat on the driver's sit and said “ fine by me ” she left he drove the car in less than 15 minutes he reached home he dropped out of the car and went to the door he found his grandfather at the door his grandfather said “what did you say to her ” he said “its not like I wanna be here am standing in place of grandfather so let's go ” then  grandfather  shook his head and said “you rascal how dumb are you she got upset with what you just said  already you refused her from wearing what she wore indeed you are thick headed a girl like her  would wear rags and still get the attention of all kinds of men including the gay people ”all the bodyguard that head this laughed then Leondre said “stop laughing !” grandfather said “laugh at this hooligan he deserves it  infact if you don't make amends with her I promise you I will get her to marry Chun Mingyuan I will declare this on one of my presidential parties let's see how long you can go on with this idiot”.
As they where talking Samantha had reached home she had greeted grand father and glared at Leondre then grandfather said “ive heard what has been going on ” then she said “grandpapa let's get inside ” they went inside the house and sat down she gave grandfather a glass of water and sat down“grandfather I want to leave somewhere else but I can't live you so I want my own room ” upon hearing that grandfather sput his water on Leondre's face and Leondre said “ what the...” he was interrupted by grandfather he said“Samantha dear why do you say so ?” she answered him“i sleep on the couch ”leondre said to himself «she has to report about a little thing ” she added “he said his the boss at work and in the bedroom ” grandfather said to her “dont worry I have a plan ” he smiled and added “good night and today till forever Samantha sleeps on the bed Leondre you sleep on the floor without anything ” he stood up and started walking heading to his room ,Leondre said “but why ?” grand father said “i as well don't have to answer that by thee way Samantha dear you are the boss everywhere ” she said thank you to him he left them .She smiled and left him as well he started muttering to himself “this old man got some nerves why is he treating me as though I ain't he's real relative here my life has hit the rocks hard ”.

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