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I felt butterflies in my stomach I couldn't resist.The rythm of our tongues was in sync he's breath was hot he's fragrance was beyond pleasant I felt as if the world around us had stopped and as if it weren't my first time I am having Deja vu I asked myself before I hugged him tight for some reason not wanting to let go I don't know what had just occurred he let me take the lead untill I bit his lip.
I felt an unexplainable sensation even if she had lost her memory she still did it in her way as usual I let her take the lead she had a very good scent that I picked up she smelled of jasmine .She hugged me tight I don't know why I guess she enjoyed the course meal .Then She bit my lip.

Alex bled on his lip Samantha pulled away from the kiss Samantha  looked guilty Clare  was  smiling till she saw the blood on Alex and thought to herself «when will she stop these manners » Chase felt the third strike of lightning and tightened his fists and tried putting himself together Alex said  flirtatiously after wiping off his blood “I liked it what about you ?” she said arrogantly “It was just a dare why should I like it ”.At this point Samantha felt as if She was missing out something the wrist watch ,the Lamborghini,Chase , the kiss and everything else. 
The next thing they knew they where both home Alex sat on the couch and so did Samantha he took a glass of wine Alex noticed that she gave him a sharp glare she also took a couple of glasses and broke the silence “You know what Alex you surprise  me do we really have to do this all the time ?” He answered coldly “What do you mean ?” she said in a sarcastic tone “Don't play dumb  Alex ” he said in a husky tone “would I waste my time asking you if I already knew  what was going on and yes am surprising and you,you are unpredictable which makes a perfect match ” he smirked she felt her checks turn red and butterflies in her stomach.She stood up rushing to the door on her room ,he continued drinking the wine and counted “1,2,3” she tightened he fists and went back to him she gave him a hard glare and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife she sat next to him she placed the knife on his throat as if wanting to slice him into pieces he didn't seem scared She said “Looks like you ain't scared Alex ,if that's your real name tell me who are you?" He said “I didn't know It would come to this Miss unpredictable ” he said mockingly she said “Alex don't make this hard for you” he said “you mean you,put the knife down and I will tell you”She said “Give me a reason  why I should put the knife down ”he said flirtatiously “You Dont have a choice ” she said “thats not satisfying enough ” he said “Those hands of yours can't kill anyone and you holding the knife placed on my neck is killing you inside...” he was interupted  by her words “fine” she placed the knife on the glass table .He said ““aren't you sitting to close to me which is making you feel uncomfortable cause I can hear you breathe ” she looked at him annoyed and sat on the other couch  and said “Don't change the  topic ” he said “okay I lied that I was forced to get married to someone ”she said “I  figured that out ,no one can force a horse like you to drink water that you don't want ”he said “you just called me a horse have you ever wondered why you are still single" she kept quite he added “ My name is not Alex don't interrupt me (she was about to) I have reasons ” she said suspiciously “ then  what's your name ?” he said “Luo Xukai leondre is my English name ” she said “Your name sounds familiar ,so I put a roof on you ,I feed you and you lie to me ” he answered “Are you sure you roof me or I roof you ” she got puzzled and asked “what do you mean ?” he answered “I own all these houses and flats in this lane of kyoto ” she stummered “wait so you mean that ? I don't pay rent I just stay here for free?” he said “if you say so” she was dumbfounded .He said to her “Go on Google and search for Mr luo Xukai  you will find all the answers you want” she got her laptop put in her password and clicked on Google she typed Mr luo Xukai biography .She said “am reading outloud ” he said “Go on "she started reading“Mr luo Xukai son of Mr lu Xukai and Mrs Bai Xukai who had died in a plane crash to America grew up with his grandfather Mr li Xukai  who is the current President of China and has the biggest companies in China and abroad his grandson is a wealthy business tycoon on the top ten in Asia and the world he is the wealthiest with no match he owns estates in korea specifically kyoto and other countries He has never undergone a bankruptcy phase he has various companies with various specializations He is married to Miss An Xu Chua who is now Mrs An Xukai.......” she looked at him and said “let's put everything aside but me staying with a married man and to make matters what was that kiss for?” he said in a husky voice “Take that as I was helping you out with your issues with Chase whoose my cousin ” she asked “your wife ?” he said “she left me "she said “well either ways whether victim or not you are wrong " he said “You will understand me later on" he added “arent you supposed to prepare for your meeting with the Chinese investor?” she said “ oh yeah, but I have to sleep ” she left him and went to sleep .He also headed to his room and slept.
The next day she woke up took a shower wore a white crop top ,a short pink skirt and pink high heels she made a high puff and put on some earrings she grabbed a pink hand bag and put some gloss on her lips. She came out of her room and found him sitted as usual  she said “How do I look ” he said “formal ,to show the Chinese interpreter that you are serious and follow business etiquette ” she said “Did your compliment or whatever it is have to be that long ?” he said “bye”.She left he also ran to hit the shower .Chun Mingyuan his right hand man came he said “Boss here is your suit and the other stuff” he handed them over to his boss he got the packages .
Samantha was at work in the board room she found Monty there she said “For the sake of peace I have to call you Mr Delacalzada ” he said “Yes” she placed her handbag on the chair it didn't even take long someone told her that the Chinese investor  has arrived.
He came out of his Lamborghini with Chun Mingyuan and other bodyguards he wore a blue suit with black shoes with he's right hand in his pocket he went to the board room immediately he entered he possessed a strong aura everyone stood up upon seeing him as Samantha was trying to figure who it was she discovered it was Leondre she wasn't that surprised after that talk yesternight.He came in with Chun the other men remained on the door he sat down and everyone else sat down Chun stood behind his boss's chair.Mr Monty said “How are you sir  Welcome to my company  ” Samantha stood in between Mr Monty  at the right and Mr Xukai at the left of the table Mr luo Xukai said in Chinese “Wô hên hâo” Samantha interpreted “ he said I am good” he added “Wô jiào Luo Xukai  nì nê?” she interpreted “he said My name is Luo Xukai and yours?” Mr Delacalzada said “Monty Delacalzada owner of Delacalzada  expresso company" Samantha gave her
Presentation and said at last “In a nutshell we are making a better version of the air force to z force” everyone clapped except Leo Mr Delacalzada said “So what do u think Sir are you going to endorse a cheque into expresso ” he answered in a husky tone “No” Mr Delacalzada tried pleading and said “Give us time to update everything I will arrange for another meeting ” he answered him“ no need, Wô hêng máng” Samantha said hem said “no need he is very busy ”Leo stood up and said “xîe xîe ” Samantha said “thank you that's what he said” Leo added “yīshēng  de diànhuà  hàomâ is with him ( he pointed at Chun)” he left immediately Samantha was puzzled did he just mean that Monty is psych he needs a doctor to check his mental status Monty said “Hey what did he mean” she said “ He's doctors phone number is with his right hand man go run a few check ups ” she left him and ran after Leo she caught up with him and said “So you are the Chinese investor ?” he said “ you shouldn't be surprised Miss Unpredictable  maybe we should swap the names ” she said “whatever why did you turn down the deal”he said  “i have never been interested in it " he added “ retire today and come home quickly and donate all your belongings we are going for a trip to China if you reject this I will burn up the whole of this company  ” he left her Mr Monty walked towards her and said “ well I guess it's not everything am meant for ” he looked at Leo live the company  pitifully and she said “Am resigning ” she remembered how he threatened her last night about the contract  she signed ,she is now supposed to do whatever he tells her to do follow him everywhere she regretted not reading the terms.Mr Monty said “okay you have your reasons ” she went with him to the reception she signed a couple of papers and she wmas no longer a part of the company She left for home she arrived home found a pick up truck everything was loaded and take for donations she asked him “ so where to now since I have nothing ” he said “lets get into the car?"they both got into the car that Chun was driving.
They where dropped off at a luxurious hotel named Xukai Golden Wings Hotel.It looked like a five star hotel he grabbed her hand and walked into the luxurious building with her he went to the receptionist and got his room card since it was his hotel he obviously had a room for himself .He got into the elevator with her and came out they  walked in the hallway hand in hand until they reached a certain door he swiped he's card and the door opened they entered the room he said “I will take a shower first ” she said “Uuhm am a bit tired in these heels and outfit....and don't tell me we are sharing this room ”he said “We are sharing this bed people know that we are a couple I wouldn't want my reputation to go down because of you wanting to sleep in the next room or something by the way I can't do anything with you  I have my standards ” he left to take a shower.She said to herself « First of all I signed a contract without reading all because I needed a partner at the party not knowing that I get to do what he wants me to do I get to be his wife and the rest ........I don't know he said he makes the rules and I don't have to ask any questions ”.
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