Chapter Eighty Two - Vim - A Drunk Dunk

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      Renn's footfalls echoed in the silent hallway as we walked.

"That was fun," she happily said.

"It was fun watching you scare a blind woman. She's never seen anyone eat as much as you," I said.

Renn glanced at me, but didn't take offense. She only grinned at me as she laughed.

Her laugh joined the echoes of her steps, and I felt... oddly out of place. As if I suddenly needed to go somewhere, and fast. Yet I knew I had nowhere to go, and the feeling was just a mask for something else.

"Chronicler is very nice. I thought she was a little... bristly, but she's just old. She's lovely," Renn said.

"Bristly," I repeated the word she used to describe the woman who used to cry at the slightest worry or fear.

Renn nodded. "I enjoyed learning about her religion too. It's actually very similar to Nory's, although I'm not entirely sure what to think of the idea of sins being..." she paused and raised her hands, to try and find the right word as to describe it. She turned to me, and opened her palms as to raise and lower her hands... like a scale.

"They believe some sins can be paid for, yes. A little odd, but their hearts in the right place," I said.

She shifted on her heels as she shrugged. She wore a commoner dress. A simple white and blue, without any frills or designs. It somehow suited her better than it should. She was the type of adorable that made the wealthy merchants and lower nobles fall without any grace.

If she had been born a human, she most likely would have ended up married to someone powerful... just because of her adorable she was.

"Says the man who doesn't believe it," she said with a small smirk.

I shrugged. "Even one who doesn't believe can still see the reasoning behind it."

"Still... for some reason I don't like it," she said as she returned to walking.

We weren't far from the mansio, but we were walking slowly. Mostly because of her. She seemed to enjoy our conversations. Or... maybe she was afraid of getting back, and having to go to sleep.

Which was probably my fault. Per usual.

But what was I to do? I didn't feel comfortable laying in the same bed with her anymore.

Even if it seemed to break her heart...

No... for that very reason.

"What bothers you about it?" I asked her, trying to understand her a little better.

"Well... it means some things can be written off, right? Pay a price. Do a deed. Sweat or bleed a little, and that evil you just committed is forgotten? I don't like it.

"There's a price for everything. Why not sin as well?" I asked her.

She glanced at me, and I knew it was because she knew full well I didn't believe in it either. Yet she humored me all the same, "A man had tortured Nory. A churchman. If I found out he got into his heaven, and forgiven by everyone else too... just because he put some stupid metal coins into a hat I'd be... well, I'd not be very happy, at all," she said simply.

I nodded. "I agree. But remember they're looking at it from a true spiritual perspective. One where they're not supposed to be judging anyone, for anything. To them, judging someone... even a sinner, is a sin itself," I told her.

"I know... but that doesn't mean I can see it the same way. Doesn't mean I agree with it," she said.

"Didn't say you had to," I said.

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