Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five - Renn - The Lost Ones

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      Landing harshly, I nearly yelped as a sharp pain ran up my tail.

It had broken in the fall.

Not fall. Toss. They hadn't just dropped me, but had actually thrown me to the ground.

I rolled mindlessly for a moment, eventually rolling onto my arms and stomach. Mostly since they were still bound together, and I did my best to not cry out as I hurriedly moved my tail as much as I could to a better position. Which was hard since I was still stuck inside this smelly sack.

Groaning, I regretted not fighting back harder as someone began untying the sack. Before I could blink away the tears in my eyes, the sack opened up around me, but only fell down to my waist. They had tied a rope around my arms and stomach, which held it in place.

Glaring at the people around me, I flinched thanks to the sudden horrid smell. Even through the pain and anger, the stink was strong enough to make me momentarily pause and want to complain as if it was the worst thing happening to me right now.

Focusing through the smell and pain... I looked around at the people standing near me. Men and women. Some looked human on first glance, while a few others barely looked human at all.

And I didn't need to see the dark stone ceiling and walls nearby to know we were in the sewer. The smell alone had told me that.

"She's like the master?" someone asked with a point at me.

"Fly said she smells just like the master," a woman behind a few others said. I couldn't see anything but her legs, thanks to the angle.

I smelled like the master... Fly had definitely mentioned that before. It was such a weird thing. Did it possibly mean the master was like me? A jaguar? Or was it something else? Maybe it was I was just clean, unlike them.

"She scrawny. She one killed Pulti?" a man asked. His voice was rough, and a glance told me he had something in his mouth... but I wasn't sure what. Was he chewing something? Maybe that's why he spoke like a child.

"And broke Frank's hands!" another shouted.

"Stop!" I shouted at them.

Only a few flinched. Oddly most of the ones who did were the men.

Shifting onto my knees, I sat upward and looked behind me. At the two men who stood not far from me.

They were the ones who had kidnapped me.

Both were taller than me, and likely Vim. One was... a thin man. I had not expected him to look as weak as he did, since I knew he was strong. I had felt his grip on my legs as he carried me here. I could feel the throbbing bruises forming on them already.

The other however looked as I had imagined him. Stocky, muscular... and more beast than man. His brow was furrowed, and not just because he was glaring at me. He had fur all over his face, and it was scraggly. It barely hid the huge jaw that jutted outward oddly, with pointed teeth and fangs. He looked like some kind of dog. His hands were likewise cover in fur, and it looked like he had large claws, which were what I had felt as well.

"My name is Renn. I'm a member of the Society," I spoke slowly as I tried to study my situation.

Honestly it didn't look good. They were all glaring at me rather openly, and none looked willing to hear anything I had to say.

"The Society?" a dirty woman stepped forward out from the shadows behind some men. Were more people here than I thought at first? Or were people just arriving? Called here by the noise and shouting?

I nodded briskly as I tried to fumble with the ropes wrapped around my arms. Now that I wasn't being manhandled, and a little calmer, I could see how I could get free. I just needed to wiggle enough until the sack made enough room for me to just slip an arm out, then I could get the other out... then the rope should just slide off completely.

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