Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three - Renn - To Get Pushed

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      "Look! If we don't feed the Master we'll all die!" the only remaining woman screamed desperately, pointing to the sky.

That... was the master? It hadn't been that big, had it?

"Then feed it yourself," Brom said with a heavy breath. He hadn't gotten hurt during the fight, but he definitely sounded winded. A stark contrast from Merit's calm demeanor as she released the man she had just killed.

"They never think to sacrifice themselves, Brom. There's no saving them," Merit said calmly as she walked away from the charred corpse.

I blinked as I took in the scene in front of me. Almost a dozen bodies lay behind the two. It was interesting that Merit had killed more than Brom had.

It was... a little relieving to know that there were others, not just Vim, who were strong in the Society.

Or well, not just strong but reliable. I could rely on them to do what was needed.

"You idiots! You don't understand... the Master!" the woman in front of them was hectic. She seemed to know she was about to die... yet she didn't run. She stood in front of Merit and Brom defiantly, doing all she could to convince them that I should be fed to the master.

Why though? And why me? Why not just feed anyone? Although it was a cruel thought... why weren't they trying to just feed humans to it? If it just needed to be fed to subdue its wrath then...

"I don't like killing those who don't fight back," Brom whispered.

"Grow a spine, rodent," Merit chastised him, but stepped forward.

I had long since stood from where I had been told to sit, simply out of shock and awe at watching Brom and Merit... but this moment was the first time I actually stepped forward towards them.

I didn't say anything, nor did I try to stop her... but for some reason I had wanted to.

Keeping my mouth shut, I watched as Merit simply walked up to the woman. The woman stepped back only once, but no more. She stood defiantly, glaring at Merit.

"You'll all die. You should have listened to us," the woman scorned Merit.

"As you've said," Merit said, and then wrapped her arms around the woman's waist.

The woman oddly didn't fight at all. She simply stood there... then she started to scream.

Finally fighting back, she tried to hit Merit in the head and pry her off... but like all the rest, the effort was fruitless. Merit held on, and begun to spark. It only took a few heavy heartbeats until the woman's fighting increased to the point of frantic death throes, and then... with a blink of the eye... the woman went still and limp. The woman started to release smoke out of her mouth as she let loose one final groan... then she died.

Merit stepped away and released the woman before she fell all the way to the ground. Merit huffed, sounding exhausted.

How did she kill in such a way? Squeezing someone to death I understood... but she wasn't squeezing. She was shocking them to the point it burnt them.

Merit brushed her hands on her shirt, as if they were dirty, and she turned to look at the carnage that she and Brom had just left behind.

"You all right Renn?" Merit asked me.

I nodded, even though I knew I wasn't. My head was fuzzy, and I felt... light. Even though my limbs were heavy and hard to move, I still for some reason felt as if I was in water. About to float away.

"We should go now. I don't know what that thing is but we should get away from it," Brom said with a gesture to the sky.

Merit and I looked upward... at the thing looming in the sky.

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