4.)First kiss? Forgotten? When?

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Mikan and Natsume logged in

Ok so here is a Q for Mikan: how did you feel when Natsume kissed you? (First time he kissed you)

Natsume: I like this question *Smirks*

Mikan: Um...*Blushes deep red*...I don't know...it was unexpected...and also..s-s

Natsume: Come on say it Polka dots. *Smirks*

Mikan: *Blushes*..It was...s-sweet...and..a good ..kiss

Natsume: You want another one? *Leaning in*

Mikan: Not right now! Jeez...

Natsume; So later *Raise his eyebrow*

Mikan: S-Shut up..i said Yeah *Looks away.

Q for Natsume: What did you do during the time that Mikan forgot about you?

Mikan: Yeah I was wondering that!

Natsume: *sigh* I was recovering from the time wrap that ice queen and ice king did to me. I woke up to see that hotaru was gone and stuck in the time wrap, and I was expected a hug from the baka but...the nightmare happened..,Narumi hugged me instead. *Shivers* They told me that Mikan lost her memories and left the academy. After all these years we been apart, I have been working with the student body to find a way for Mikan to come back.

Mikan: Aww you did that all for me and here is your hug that Narumi took from me. *Hugs*

Natsume: Polka dots...your small

Mikan. And your big whats the difference *Pout*

Q for both of you: When and how did you realize that you had feelings for eachother? (Answer TRUTHFULLY!)

Natsume: Skip!

MikanP: No skipping natsume!

Natsume: *Sigh* Why am I here again?

Mikan: To answer questions for the people now answer the question!

Natsume; I started to fall in love with that baka..when she showed courage of saving me from Rei

Mikan: Aww Natsume *Heart shape eyes*

Natsume; Your turn

Mikan; Um...skip?

Natsume: Polka dots *Fire aura* I will burn you if you do not tell them when you fell in love with me

Mikan: Fine Natsume It was around the last dance and when I was dancing with Hotaru, I was still blushing madly of when you called me "Mikan." Not Polka dots. I thought to myself that you really did change for the better. Happy now, I don't believe I told you that *Freaking out*

Natsume: Mikan...

Mikan: Huh...what?! *Falls of her chair*

Natsume: Just teasing you..I wanted to see your reaction

Mikan: Your so mean T.T Questions still needed. This time Hotaru is coming soon!

Natsume: W-What, I thought it was only us

Hotaru; shut up will you, Its only for a special chapter if we even get questions

Natsume; I doubt it tho :/

Mikan; When? I forgot

Hotaru: 3000 rabbits

Mikan: But I don't have any *Pout* Natsume? *Looks at him*

Natsume: Sorry Polka dots, remember you spent all of mine

Hotaru: I will give you a hint, the special chapter will start on the 2nd even number

Mikan; Whats an even number?

Natsume & Hotaru; *Facepalm* Baka

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