Question 29

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Ok so im back again! Ok so here is a Q for Mikan: Have you ever had a relationship like boyfriend and girlfriend with someone else other than Natsume? If so please name who.(Natsume dont kill the man if she did)

Mikan: Um...none that I known of *Tilts head* Right Hotaru?

Hotaru: No there was one

Mikan: Huh!

Hotaru: His name was bob

Natsume: *Fire aura*

Hotaru: I remember it like I was yesterday, them kissing, holding hands, cuddling

Natsume: *Burns a tree on fire*

Hotaru: *Takes a picture of a jealous Natsume* Oh wait that wasn't Mikan, that was someone else. Ops

Natsume: I hate you

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