7.) Babies and a hint of jealously?

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From: KawaiilevisamaAsk: If You have a kid what do you want? a girl or a boy? and what will be his/her name? (For Both Mikanatsume and Hotaruka)

Mikan: I wouldn't mind any gender, but I think I will like a girl since I don't want the boy to carry, his father perverted nature.

Natsume; I would like a girl so I can stare at her, reminding myself about Polka dots everyday *Smirks*

Mikan: Pervert! Answer truthfully

Natsume: I am *Pulls her in embrace* When will we start.

Hotaru: *Taking pictures* I'm going to make fortunes

Ruka: *Covers eyes* Um..guys

Mikan: No- Natsume let go of me...Hotaru is taking pictures

Natsume: Let her..your hair smells nice

Mikan: Natsume! *Blushes deep red*

Hotaru: Good job neko, keep her in that position

Ruka: Um...I'm going to answer the question, I would like a boy because I know what Hotaru would do if its a girl *Sweat drop*

Hotaru: Either gender is fine with me, since a girl I can dress her in my free will, selling the pictures, and the boy, its bound to have bunny boy girly looks. I will make profit either way *Evil smirk*

Natsume: So your saying you want both

 Hotaru: Yes, anything for profit, right bunny boy, tonight your meeting me in my room.

Ruka: *Steam out his ears* Hotaru! What are you saying

Mikan: Ruka I know how your feeling right now T.T

Natsume: I wouldn't mind both either *Smirks*

Mikan: Lets go on the next question please!

Kawaiilevisama:Truth or Dare: Mikan kiss Natsume on the lips 2x and Natsume steal... Someone's skirt

Mikan: Oh come on!

Natsume: Seems the child is coming sooner *Smirks*

Mikan: Natsume! I'm just kissing you..thats all *Looks away fluster*

Natsume: Then why are you flustered so much?

Mikan: Shut up..its embarrassing

Hotaru: *Grabs out camera* I don't have all day

Ruka: Hotaru..read the mood *Sweatdrop*

Natsume: *Closes eyes* I'm waiting

Mikan: Damn.....*Kisses him one time* There

Natsume: It says twice...*Enjoying this*

Mikan: My heart is about to explode...I'm still not use to this

Hotaru: *Whispers something*

Mikan: No! Hotaru..

Hotaru: *Death aura*

Mikan: T.T *Places her hand into Natsume's hair and starts to French kiss him*

Natsume: *Stunned*

Hotaru: *Shoots pictures* Thank you Baka, I'm selling this for 200,000 rabbits

Ruka: Oh..my....god...that looks intense

Hotaru: Don't act like we haven't done it

Ruka: I admire your bluntness

Natsume: *Pulls away* Damn..how did you become a good kisser?

Mikan: Hotaru just told me what I had to do *Looks away*

Natsume: Well..it wasn't bad and *Looks at her skirt* Now I could steal anyone's skirt

Mikan: *Hides behind Hotaru* No Natsume..do it to someone else

Natsume & Hotaru: *Glares at each other*

Hotaru: *Steps aside* Enjoy

Mikan: Noo!! *Tries to run*

Natsume: *Takes her skirt*

Ruka: *Nosebleeds*

Hotaru: Damn...you changed the polka dots baka?

Mikan: S-Shut up...I didn't like how Natsume teases me about it!

These are for Ruka:

When did you fall in love with Mikan?

 When did you fall in love with Hotaru? Did you ever make Hotaru blush?

Natsume, don't kill ur Best Friend for loving Mikan! :)

Remember, no skipping these!

Ruka: I started to fall in love with her..probably, when she started to open my heart a bit. The way she smiles and never gave up, wanting to be accepted by her classmates.

Mikan: Aww Ruka.,that's so sweet *Hugs him*

Ruka:" *Blushes and looks over*

Natsume: *Fire aura with a glare*

Ruka: Um..Mikan..you can let go now

 Mikan: Oh sorry...um...this is awkward

Hotaru: Bunny boy when did you find me attractive *smirks*

Ruka: *Thinks* I don't really know, it just happened

Hotaru: Is that so *Smiles*

Ruka; Pretty much *Plays with his bunny*

Hotaru: *Has a bat with star eyes* You said everything about Mikan and me, a poor reason

Ruka: Well you were always so cold to me, I didn't know that much about you. If you want my real answer, it was your cold personality that got me hooked to you. The way you risked your life to save Mikan. It was really brave of you. *Ignores the bat*

Ruka: In matter of fact, I did see her blush this one time. Maybe it was when I was leaning towards her trying to take off something on her face, she thought that I was about to kis- Bam

Hotaru: *Hits him with the bat* Lets not speak about this *Drags the knock out Ruka out of the room*

Natsume: He didn't finish answering the question

Hotaru: *Glares* Do you want to get me mad?

Natsume: Its not like you can beat me

Hotaru: *Shows picture of a bunny natsume* Lets go

Ruka: Natsume...I rather have you beat me up...*Faints*

Natsume: Good luck bunny boy

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