Question 13

395 18 3

To both Mikan and Natsume...What do you call your children. Either boy or girl

Mikan: We don't...have...any yet >\\\>

Natsume: Yet? *Smirks*

Mikan: I didn't...mean...

Natsume: So you don't want children with me *Tearful puppy eyes*

Mikan: Um....yes...I Um...

Hotaru: Sorry folks, the love couple are having one serious conversion about rather they should have sex ;-;

Mikan: Hotaru!!! -///- We are not talking about that

Natsume: We aren't?

Mikan: Yep we aren't

Natsume: We aren't *puppy eyes.*

Mikan: .....

Natsume: So-

Mikan: *Sigh* If we had children, if it was a girl, I would like to call her after my mother.

Natsume: Boy maybe whatever Polka dots pick

Mikan: Oh Natsu! Remind some of Natsume

Natsume: Not bad for a idiot

Mikan: Should I feel happy T.T

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