Chapter 10 - Portraits

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Today, I learned that Alaric Slatherty can be unexpectedly kind. I have also learned that he can travel at the speed of light. I don't catch up with him even though I wasn't that far behind him, and when I step into the kitchen, I am startled to find it completely empty.

Not a soul, not a cricket, not a sound; only wonderful aromas greet me inside. How is this possible? I didn't imagine it! When I walked through here with Alaric only a few minutes ago, I counted at least eight people bustling around, some cooking and some carrying cleaning equipment. 

They greeted us... or at least, they greeted him.

Granted, it wasn't in a language I understood verbally, but I understood the gestures very well. Perhaps I fell asleep at my desk and dreamed all of it; after all, why would Alaric offer me what seems to be his private vehicle to use as much as I like? I might, right now, be drooling on my keyboard, about to cause an electrical short strong enough to burn down the place. That would be a tragedy.

I still have the keys in my hand, though, so I'm either still dreaming or...

Crossing to the large work island in the middle of the kitchen, I carefully open one of the cabinets, fully prepared to see someone curled up, lurking inside, stored away for later use. I smack my head against the edge of the cupboard and almost fall head-first among the pots and pans in there when Leopold speaks behind me.

Rising, I rub my forehead, certain I'm going to have a lump there this time. Believe it or not, I am not in the habit of head-butting furniture... Oh, who am I kidding? I should be issued with some form of head protection gear when performing general tasks such as living.

"Pardon me, Miss, I did not mean to startle you."

"No, no, you didn't," I hurry to assure him. "I was simply getting acquainted with the pots." 

Oh, marvellous; that did not sound stupid at all!

"I wanted to inform you that your lunch is served in your drawing room, Miss." If Leopold is amused by my lack of ability to function as a normal human being, he doesn't show it. He is as emotionless and proper as ever.

"Oh, that is lovely! Thank you, Leopold." At the mention of the word 'lunch', my stomach did a happy dance, and I realised that it had been a few hours since breakfast. I seldom eat much for lunch. I am going to gain so much weight living here in this palace of culinary decadence!

"Where do the Slatherties have their lunch? The dining room?"

"No, Miss, they have it in their quarters or wherever they please. We only use the dining room for dinner parties, which happen once a year, if at all. I could have your lunch served there if you prefer."

"Oh! No, thank you. The drawing room is perfect. I'll go there now."

"Very well, Miss."

I must say, I am rather disappointed when Leopold bows tightly, turns around, and strides out of the kitchen into the body of the house and doesn't crawl into one of the cabinets to be stored with the other staff members. Regardless, I give up on my craziness for now and don't search for servants in the refrigerator; I simply follow him from the kitchen, not surprised to discover that he, too, travels at the speed of light.

"I need to learn that trick."

I'll admit that he could've stepped into any of the rooms on the ground floor or turned left and followed the corridor behind the staircase to places unknown, but I rather like the idea of fast travel. Lately, I've become extremely partial to fanciful thoughts. 

The people I saw in the kitchen could be anywhere in the mansion, serving the inhabitants of Slaughtaverty Manor their lunch or cleaning some of the millions of rooms and corridors in this four-storey building. I'm rather disappointed with all the logical explanations I'm bombarded with; I liked my cupboard storage idea so much more.

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