Chapter 26 - Haunted

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"Aubrey, how was your day yesterday?"Liam asks, looking down at me where I'm still seated at my desk. I thought he was about to leave and am taken off guard by the sudden question.

"It was interesting," I shrug, a smile creeping onto my face as I once again think about Ransford and Billy sparring in the yard. "I watched an exhilarating battle with sticks, and then I was treated to a war over a pink bunny T-shirt," I giggle.

"Billy and Ransford," he nods with a grin, impressing me with his powers of deduction. "You were upset when I saw you in the foyer. Is everything alright now?"

"Yes," I frown, trying to remember exactly why I was upset, but the memory is foggy, blurring at the edges of my mind. "I kissed Ransford under the settee."

"Yes, that is rather upsetting," Liam smirks, causing me to giggle again, nervously this time, while my cheeks flare with embarrassment. Why did I tell him that?!

"I don't remember why I was upset." Probably because after giving me an earth-shattering kiss, Ransford ran away, and I haven't seen him since. I really need to talk to him about it.

"Did anything interesting happen last night?" Liam gently probes, causing me to wonder if something bad didn't occur after all.

"Nope," I say, running my mind over my bedtime activities. "Interesting things were happening in the novel I was reading, but that's about it. I had a peaceful, dreamless night, and I feel pretty good this morning. I actually have too much energy today," I assure him, giving him a suspicious look.

Liam slowly nods his head, gazing into my eyes, completely unaffected by my suspicion. I feel a little uncomfortable under his scrutiny for the first time today.

"Why? Did something bad happen last night?" I ask, alarmed and feeling really tense now. "I didn't hear anything."

"No, I'm just checking in with you," he smiles his well-loved, comforting smile and lifts the tray with our empty mugs from my desk. "Are you taking those capsules I gave you?"

Am I?

"I haven't had any night terrors again, but I took them once," I answer, trying to remember why I took them and how often I've done so. I have no idea.

"What are they supposed to do?" I ask instead, feeling more comfortable being the interrogator for now.

"It's a mixture I've made and used with success in treating anxiety disorders," he explains in his soothing voice and looking into his bright eyes, familiar feelings of well-being find my heart again, and I embrace it with relief. "It's nothing fancy; it will just strengthen your nerves, calm any tension you might be experiencing, and give you the strength to deal with memories you're struggling to cope with."

"Oh, I see," I say, frowning, wondering why I would need that if I'm not suffering attacks of sleep paralysis anymore. "I don't have any anxiety disorders, and I have no bad memories to cope with," I assure him, surprised to see his jaw muscles flex in a way similar to what I'd seen on Alaric's face earlier.

For some reason, he doesn't seem to like my answer.

"That's good," Liam mutters, but he does not look convinced, not even when I offer him a bright, happy smile. Perhaps he thinks I'm hiding my distress from him. "Still, adjusting to life in a strange place is a lot to digest. I really believe that you'll find those capsules beneficial."

I can tell that it's really important to him, and he is the one who seems tense and worried now. Perhaps he should take some of his capsules. I don't like being the one to cause him distress when he has only ever shown me kindness.

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