"I wanna brag about it....." (02)

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Yeonji POV:

"Love, are you ready?" Soobin asks me from the kitchen, filling up the water bottle for me.

"Yeah, I'm almost done." I say. I had to look good in front of everyone at the company, in order to make a good impression.

As we sit in the car, my paranoia gets me to tell him something,
"Binnie, I'm scared. What if they don't accept our relationship? I don't wanna lose you."

"My love, don't worry. It's gonna be okay." He gets me to smile and pecks my lips, sending electric shock down my spine.

We're now at the HYBE building and boy, it's huge!!

He leads me to the meeting room, where I meet Bang PD and the members. I know Yeonjun and Beomgyu from before because they came to meet my brother at our house.

"Good morning everyone, I am Min Yeonji, Soobin's girlfriend." I sit down next to Soobin and in front of Beomgyu.

He asks me a few questions, personal and what I would do in particular situations. There were some unexpected questions too but I answered them all.

At the end he asks, "What would you do if you were the idol?"

I start, "Sir, I may not be very aware of the solution, but I will try to answer. First, I will discuss it with my partner then with the company. Then I think the statement will be based upon the online reaction. If it is not positive, we'll have to keep the relationship a secret. However if it's positive then we'll announce the relationship." PD-nim nods in agreement.

Soobin holds and rubs my hand gently, proud of my answer and looks at me softly.

The statement was going to be in Soobin's name so he wrote down what he wanted to tell moas and wrote an apology letter as a formality.

The members ask us a few more questions and the meeting gets dismissed.

"Good job today love. You were really cool back then." Soobin chimes happily.

"Thank you binnie. You looked really serious and it was kinda hot." You whisper the last part.

"Oh baby, I'll show you hot." He smirks.

"Eww, pervert." You smack his arm playfully. "You know you're really strong." He laughs it off. "Let's stop by for icecream later."

"Yess, let's go!" Excitement fills you.

As you step inside the icecream parlor, you both decide on what to get. "I want the choco vanilla one." You say happily. "And I'll take the coffee flavour."

The boy at the counter looks like he recognises both of you but doesn't say anything, he was one of the few people who care about the privacy of idols.

A while later he calls Soobin "Hyung, your icecreams are ready!"

"Yes. I'll come." He walks to the counter and brings back the icecream.

"Here you go, love." He passes you your icecream and you take a bite.

"Mmm, this is really good." You exclaimed.

"It really is" he says as he also takes a bite.

As soon as your icecream is finished, you walk out to see a girl around the age of 14 approaching both of you.

"Hello, Soobin oppa and unnie. I've been a huge fan of txt for years. So when I saw you here I couldn't help my self and came here to say hello. And I hope both of you have been well, and that the scandal didn't affect your mental health much or even at all." The girl says in one breath.

"Aww you're so cute!" You exclaim.

"Haha all moas are really pretty." Soobin says.

"Well so now I'll go. Enjoy your date and take care!" The girl walks away.

"Take care too!" Both of you say in unison.

As you make your way to the car you notice that it's 4 pm now. The whole day is gone.

"Let's order take out and cuddle at home."

"I like the idea, binnie."

Reaching home, you order some fried chicken and tteokboki. Both of you shower, one after the other (y'all need to get your minds of the gutter, or do you?).

You pick up the food and make your way to Soobin to tell him that the food arrived.

"Binnie, the food is here."

He pins you again the bed and says,

"Baby, id rather have you instead. Now Hush."

He says as he initiates a passionate kiss.

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