Chapter 9

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Arriving at the bus station later than planned, I opted for a change in attire—oversized blue shorts and a small white top, a departure from my usual style, prompted by the delightful weather. Spotting Itsuki in an orange floral shirt and small black sunglasses, I couldn't help but find him adorable. A laugh escaped me as I called out, "Hey, Itsuki!" My words were clear, conveying my enthusiasm as I rushed over, offering a genuine smile.

Once in the car, Itsuki took the wheel, demonstrating improved focus on the road. Occasional glances in my direction were met with reciprocal smiles, a subtle understanding that, perhaps, silence could be the antidote to distraction. Our journey to Lake Akina transpired seamlessly, and soon we found ourselves navigating the waters on one of the boats. My gaze, fixated on the tranquil expanse beneath, prompted a whimsical inquiry: "Do you think there's any fish in here?" Itsuki, seemingly lost in contemplation, required a gentle nudge back to reality.

The boat's gentle sway led to Itsuki's unexpected plunge into the water. My soft laughter accompanied his resurfacing.

"Did you see any fish?" The question, posed in jest, garnered a glare from Itsuki. An attempt to hoist him back into the boat resulted in my own plunge, the cool embrace of the lake water disrupting the warmth of the day. Gasping for air, I shot Itsuki a playful punch, exclaiming, "You, sir, are incorrigible!" The sensation of soaked clothes clinging to my body, while discomforting, added a layer of amusement to the situation.

Unable to reboard the boat, we abandoned it, opting to swim ashore. Towels awaited us, mine strategically placed to mitigate the discomfort of wet clothes, while Itsuki, draped in a makeshift shawl, succumbed to a bout of sneezes. Lightly pushing him away, I jokingly admonished, "Don't give me your cold!" Despite the lingering disgust, the hilarity of the situation was undeniable. Discarding our now-soaked towels, we confronted the reality of our waterlogged escapade.

"So, why ask me for tips on driving? You do realize I'm not a racer." Itsuki, shaking his head, pointed toward his car.

"I keep getting distracted! And I always end up making stupid mistakes!" Approaching the 85, I voiced a reassuring sentiment.

"Not everyone is a genius straight away." The prospect of a perfect warm-up to immerse Itsuki in the racer's mindset prompted a mischievous smirk.

"I know the perfect warm-up to get you in the headspace of a racer."

"Really? What is it?" My gaze shifted to my pocket, reaching for a pack of cigarettes—only to be reminded of their unfortunate fate in the lake. Panic ensued.

"Ah no, Y/N, please!" A hasty retreat into a lakeside shop and a swift emergence with a fresh set of smokes showcased Itsuki's determination.

"Sorry about that!"

"You didn't have to."

"You're helping me drive. It's the least I could do." A wide smile illuminated Itsuki's face as my attention returned to the car.

"Do you mind turning the ignition on so I can light it?" Itsuki eagerly complied, offering hurried apologies.

"Yes, yes, yes! Sorry!" Leaning in to use his car lighter, I relished the comedic exchange.

"I didn't mean to apologize! Sorry!" Once lit, I stepped away, taking a long drag.

"You're funny, Itsuki. I like you." The sentiment lingered in the air, punctuated by the softness of my words.

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