Chapter 16

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In the confined space of my truck, the familiar embrace of cigarette smoke wrapped around me, a bitter reminder of my own rebellion. I couldn't shake the thought that my father, who had always disapproved of such habits, would be deeply disappointed in me. The acrid scent clung to my clothes, an invisible cloak of defiance, as I neared the town of Ota.

The town of Ota unfolded before me, its familiar sights and sounds tinged with memories both bitter and sweet. I parked my truck in a quiet corner on the mountain, taking a moment to inhale deeply and exhale, attempting to release the tension that had settled within me.

Shivering in my lounge attire, I stood outside my truck, my impulsive escape from the turmoil at home feeling justified in the moment. The cold night air bit into me as I waited for Keisuke. Headlights emerged, carving through the darkness as a vehicle pulled into the quiet car park atop the mountain.

He turned off his car, the quiet engine hum fading away. As he stepped out into the chilly night, I hurried over, seeking solace in the familiar embrace. His presence felt like a reassuring anchor amidst the turmoil. I hugged him tightly, burying my face against his chest, battling to contain the emotions threatening to spill over.

His arms enveloped my waist, providing a sense of security. "Hey, hey, c'mon, y/n," he cooed, his hand moving soothingly through my hair. Leading me toward his car, I resisted, opting to perch on the bonnet instead. Silently, he disappeared momentarily, returning with a yellow zip-up hoodie, which he gently draped over my shoulders.

Looking up at him, I held a lit cigarette between my trembling fingers. The night air was filled with an uneasy stillness, and I felt overwhelmed, uncertain about what to say or do. The soft glow of the cigarette illuminated my face as I sat there, grappling with my emotions. Keisuke stood infront of me.

"Are you going to tell me why I've been called here? I was very busy, you know," he teased, but the playful tone felt more like genuine concern. Looking up at him, my eyes welled up, and he gently wiped away the tears. "And are you finally going to tell me why you're no longer in Gunma, hm?" His hands cradled my cheeks, and I lifted the cigarette to my lips, puffing the smoke to the side to avoid blowing it in his face.

"You... you came," were the first words that escaped my lips as I gazed up into his eyes. A warm smile adorned his face. "You called," he responded.

The occasional flicker of streetlights created a serene atmosphere. Keisuke glanced at me, concern etched in his features. "What happened, y/n? You know you can talk to me."

I exhaled slowly, the weight of my emotions heavy. "It's just... everything with my mother, the expectations, the arguments. I can't handle it anymore."

He nodded, understanding in his eyes. "You're not alone, you know. We'll figure this out together."

Keisuke, his gaze steady. "Talk to me, y/n. What's going on in your mind?"

I took a draw, the bitter warmth soothing my nerves. "I've been feeling lost, trapped in a life I didn't choose. I left Gunma, but it's like I brought the weight of it with me."

He listened attentively, his understanding gaze offering a refuge. "You can't keep carrying it all alone. Let me help."

Tears welled up again, not from sadness but from the relief of having someone who cared. On that quiet mountain, amid the hum of conversations.

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