Chapter 10

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The water cascaded over me, a feeble attempt to wash away not just the physical grime but the emotional residue of the argument. Steam swirled around in the confined space, a hazy barrier between me and the reality waiting beyond the bathroom door.

Groggily, I reached for the shampoo, my movements sluggish. Each drop of water felt like a weighted reminder, pulling me down into the whirlpool of thoughts. The bottle slipped from my grasp, clattering against the tiles, a harsh contrast to the rhythmic drumming of the shower.

As I began to wash my hair, the tendrils of foam did little to muffle the echoes of our disagreement. The argument replayed in my mind like a broken record, and the sting of Kai's words intensified with every passing second.

Struggling to wash myself, my wrist throbbed in protest at even the gentlest touch. The mundane act of cleansing became a battleground, a silent struggle against both the physical pain and the emotional turmoil.

The water, once a soothing embrace, now felt like a relentless force, amplifying my vulnerability. Leaning against the shower wall, I let out a sigh, the sound lost in the rush of water. The tears I'd been holding back mingled with the droplets, a silent release of pent-up emotions.

Exiting the shower, the cool air embraced my damp skin, a stark contrast to the warmth I had sought. My reflection in the misty mirror reflected a weariness that transcended the physical. Wrapping a towel around myself, I faced the challenge of dressing, every movement a reminder of my wounded state.

The bedroom seemed different now, its familiar corners carrying the weight of recent events. I approached the bed, glancing at the discarded shirt with a pang of discomfort. Slipping into a fresh set of clothes, black oversized cargos, a short black top and a grey zip up hoodie, my arm still in a sling. I couldn't escape the realization that the battle, both internal and external, was far from over.

The wooden stairs creaked beneath my weight as I descended, each step a reluctant return to the tumultuous reality awaiting me downstairs. Kai's voice, a muffled plea for reconciliation, reached my ears, but I remained resolute in my silence.

His attempts to bridge the emotional chasm between us fell on deaf ears. Ignoring his words, I moved with purpose, my steps quickening as I reached the door. Fingers wrapped around the doorknob, I hesitated, the weight of our unresolved conflict lingering in the air. With a decisive push, I stepped outside, the door slamming shut behind me.

The cool breeze offered a fleeting respite, but the tension within me refused to dissipate. The familiar crunch of gravel beneath my shoes accompanied my hurried pace towards the driveway. There, amidst the array of parked vehicles, the Suzuki Carry stood as a modest escape.

I climbed into the small truck, its simplicity a stark contrast to the complexities of my fractured relationships. Ignition brought the engine to life, a reassuring hum that drowned out the echoes of our argument. The road stretched ahead like an uncertain path, but my destination was clear—Itsuki's side.

As the Suzuki Carry rumbled down the road, my thoughts raced alongside the wheels. The drive became a solitary journey, an introspective pilgrimage to mend what was broken. My grip on the steering wheel tightened, a physical manifestation of my determination.

Navigating the twists and turns of the road with my injured right arm proved to be a challenging ordeal. The rhythmic dance between my left hand on the gear shift and my right attempting to steady the wheel became a delicate balance. Every shift sent a jolt of discomfort through my injured wrist, a reminder of the recent chaos.

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