Chapter 5

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Malcolm "The Smile" Fiorelli

"Gentlemen, I think it's about time we dive into the reason I've gathered you all here today." About damn fucking time if you ask me. Weasel looks around at us but seems to be keeping his distance, smart.

"A powerful man and his men were massacred by the hands of one of you," He continues, "And I intend on finding out which one of you is behind it." How original, same problem but on a different day. "Now, I wasn't quite expecting the girl to arrive with you, but perhaps you knew this time was coming and planned her as a distraction." Man, this guy is off his rockers. I have no clue who one of us 'supposedly' massacred all of his men, we really just got rid of one. But at this point, I don't even give a flying fuck, this is hilarious, and I sent him a wide smile to let him know. When I get my hands on that punk I'll rip his throat out with my teeth, well, at least after Isaac has had his fun.

"A revenge plot, I'm a sucker for those," Isaac exclaims in excitement. He watches way too much true crime. He claims it's for 'inspiration', but we suspect it's just for entertainment. Revenge murder-cases are his go-to. "So, who's the dead man?"

"Podrick Barlowe." Weasel spits in anger. Podrick Barlowe. Weird name if you ask me.

"Is that supposed to ring a bell?" Scarface asks him in boredom. Weasel walks back and forth before coming to a halt in front of him.

"Maybe the name, Podrick The Pimp, will tickle a memory in that imbecile brain of yours." Weasel states seriously, and I am no longer able to keep my laughter contained, and neither is Isaac who lets out a snort. Scarface looks amused, but only for a second. Nico is quietly observing the scene taking place in front of him, always so quiet.

"So, some fucking pimp with a ridiculous name was murdered, and you think one of us did it?". Scarface closes his eyes and sighs deeply. If there is one thing he hates, it's wasting time on bullshit.

"I know one of you fucking did it!" Weasel screams, getting really close to his face. "He was not just some pimp, he was my father!"

"There you go Isaac, a revenge-plot with a side of daddy-issues, that's right up your alley." Scarface antagonizes Weasel. "His dental hygiene is not up to your standards though, he could use a mint." That did the trick. Weasel punches the air out of him and storms towards the door he entered from. He stops right before he exits and turns around and looks Isaac directly in his eyes.

"He was missing all his teeth. Now, I haven't received the photos from the scene yet, but if I'm not wrong, that's usually your signature move, Dentist." He exits and slams the door hard, making dust fall from the ceiling. I clear my throat.

"Did you kill Pimp-man?" I question Isaac with fake curiosity, still smiling in amusement. He's not normally secretive about who he has killed, and besides that, I already know the answer.

"Nah, Smiley, I remember the names of every single person I've ever pulled teeth from. Podrick isn't one of them. Someone apparently wanted him gone but didn't want to take the blame." He responds unbothered, but seems quite entertained by the idea.

"You think someone is trying to make it look like you did it?" I ask him. This was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm surprised it has taken this long.

"Yep, I wonder who. They've got balls, I'll give them that. I can't wait to see what the person looks like on the inside." Isaac says with a mischievous glint in his eye. He looks towards Nico, who's facial expression has remained neutral throughout the entire exchange. "What's bothering you, love? Worried about Lena?" He questions him. Nico gives a small shrug with his shoulder in confirmation.

"Me too, love. I know I'm a little messed up in the head, but Weasel is on another level. He grew up with a pimp for a dad, a pimp called Podrick. That's enough to make any child messed up."

I nodded in agreement, my smile turning more sinister.

"Besides, I haven't had fun like this for a while. When the time is right, I'll let you gauge out his eyes or cut off his fingers." I offer Nico. He seems satisfied with my proposition to him and smirks. "Attaboy." 

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