Chapter 31

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Liam is harassing me. I didn't text him within the timeframe he expected, so he took matters into his own hands. He's been texting me for the last five days about meeting up again. I'm reluctant. Hanging out with people has never been my forte. Growing up, I was a loner by choice. I've always enjoyed my own company. I do what I want, when I want – well, back then, if my mother allowed me to. What's not to like?

Liam possesses an appreciation for witty banter, and I must admit, his skill in this domain is unparalleled. He's made me laugh more times than I can count. I won't tell him that though.

I've gotten to know him better through texting and talking. The man called me last night. Who even does that? I spoke with Malcolm about my new-found friendship, he's been surprisingly supportive about it. He told me I can invite him over if I want to. I think I'll settle for meeting in public for the time being.

Malcolm and I have settled into a domestic routine. We're both quite busy with work, but we cook and eat dinner whenever we are both at home. We catch up on our daily doings when we eat. I didn't tell him about seeing Sascha. I've somehow convinced myself that I might have been hallucinating. It was my first time outside since the many troubles I've faced. My mind was stressed. There's no need to make a big deal out of probably nothing. Isaac and Nico have been busy helping Scarface, but they all check in with me every other day. I don't mind it, actually. It has helped me immensely, not having to be reminded of everything we went through.

I won't be seeing Malcolm at dinner today. He has an urgent matter he needs to attend to, so I'll figure something out on my own.

I text Liam that I'm at work and won't be off until 5, hoping it'll deter him. It doesn't. After plenty of bickering back and forth, I yield. He'll be here to pick me up later. He and his roomies want to take me out to introduce me to American cuisine. Yeah, he has two roommates. He's been living with them for about six months, they all work in the same field, so it came natural for them to find a place together. I wonder what it must be like to have roommates. Technically, I am rooming with Malcolm, but it feels more like living with a father. Not that I would know what that's really like.

I'm already regretting agreeing to hang out with them. The day has been nothing but stressful. In room two we've got Lorna with a raging UTI who's delirious and is throwing stuff at anyone who walks by. In room seven we have a convict who needs stitches and is guarded by police.

I've been offered no training and a severely lacking introduction to the unit. Glenda, the front desk secretary, has taken me under her wing. She doesn't know much about the care I need to provide, but she knows where to find the procedures and has printed me an entire binder. She's been adamant about me coming to her if I need anything. We've been eating our lunches together since my first day here. She's a proud mother and grandmother. She's lovely.

Besides Glenda, a male nurse, Eric, has been very welcoming towards me. He's a few years older than me and not bad looking. He's a bit of a flirt, but very lighthearted. He actually asked me out on my second day there, but I wasn't ready, so I declined. I can't say I won't be open to it soon.

A doctor stops me in the hallway. "Anthony, room 3, bed 2, wants a cup of water." She says nothing else and walks away without even looking at me. The audacity. Glenda cackles at me, probably amused by my inability to keep the dumbfounded expression off my face.

"Is she always like that? She didn't even say hello."

Glenda shakes her head in humor. "She's not normally in this unit. She hates it here. I think she's covering for someone who called in sick." Understanding fills me. She hands me a plastic cup of water. "Here, take this to him. A little warning, he bites." I shake my head. Funny.

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