Chapter 10

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Gunner drags me into yet another new room and throws me roughly to the ground. I scrape my bare legs, and it's definitely going to bruise. It's colder in this room than the other three I've been to. Weasel steps forwards, towering over me.

"Remove your clothes." He commands. Say what now? I look at him in disbelief, hoping he'll repeat himself, so I'm sure I've heard him correctly, but he doesn't. He sighs irritated and gestures for Gunner to step in. "Just remove her panties, her hymen should be intact if she's still a virgin. Her value will be greater if she is." Fuck no, what the fuck? Gunner advances and grabs me while I lie on the floor. I kick and scream with everything I have in me. He tries to keep my shoulders down and his arm is near my chin, giving me the perfect opportunity to bite him, so I do. He grunts in pain and pushes himself off me.

"You little bitch!" He screams at me, slapping me so hard it leaves my ears ringing. I feel dazed, and they take the opening to do what they want to do and exit the room, locking me in here alone. I don't move from the floor but I curl into a ball, wrapping my arms around myself in search of any kind of comfort. I feel violated, abused, humiliated and cold. I'm shivering so hard my teeth are clattering. I'm surprised they haven't cracked. The only thing I can think about is how much I want to trade being her for going home to a place that wasn't that great in the first place, just to beg for my parents' forgiveness. I eventually succumb to my exhaustion. I don't know how long I've been here, but it feels like a really long time. I feel absent, maybe I'm disassociating. I try to imagine myself away from here, maybe on the beach. I grew up near Copenhagen, and I have many memories of going to the beach with my grandparents before they passed. They were always good to me, and I miss them terribly. I envision myself spending the afternoon at the beach, eating the salmon sandwiches my grandmother always made and packed for us. I'll hide there in my mind, as long as I possibly can.

I can hear far away, the door to the room I'm currently in, being slammed open, but I don't react. I'm busy, I'm at the beach. Someone is shouting at me, but I can't make out what they're saying. I think it may be Weasel, but he is not welcome. He is not invited to the beach with my grandparents. They're moving me around now, slipping something over my legs. Another door is being opened, and I think someone shoves me. It's warmer in here than it was before. It's probably because the sun is shining so brightly here at the beach. I should move into a better position. I can't lie face down here, I'll get sand in my mouth. I push myself into a seated position and lean against a huge sand-dune which I know will provide me with a bit of shelter from the wind. This is nice. I've always loved the beach.

Malcolm "The Smile" Fiorelli

She's back in the same room as us again. She was gone for a long time. I'm guessing it's been at least a day, without having a proper way to tell time. She's wearing a pair of blue shorts now. There's a bit of dried blood by her nostril and her cheek is turning slightly dark. She's not responding to any of us either. Seeing her in this state does something to me. It's not my first time seeing someone in this condition, but I feel like paternal instincts I never knew I had, are rising to the surface. I want to put her in my pocket and shield her from the world, but we're not done with what we came here for, yet. Hang in there, little bird. I can see the way Damiano is also looking at her. Pure concern is lingering in his eyes, he probably sees a bit of his sister in her.

"What do we do?" Damiano surprises me by being the first to break the silence.

"We need to gain her trust more, and cut off the opportunity for Weasel and his right hand man to whisk her away again." He nods in agreement.

"I don't suppose anyone has got an idea on how to do that?" I inquire all the men in the room. I know Damiano won't be the lead for this, he has been too hotheaded from the beginning.

"Brilliant Nico, just brilliant." Isaac exclaims, making my head snap to him.

"Care to share with the rest of us?" I ask.

"Weasel fucked up, that's why he hasn't gone near you, Smiley." He gestures to the long shackle around Nico's ankle. "The chain attached to the shackle is far too long, Nico could fuck Weasel up in no time if he gets into his vicinity. He'd have to get by Nico to get to you." He laughs, I imagine Weasel's stupidity is what sets him off. I don't blame him, I can't keep the smile off my face either. "We'll get her to sit by Nico, then she'll be protected from Tweedle-dee and Tweedledum." I nod at his suggestion and so does Nico, he sits up straighter already in preparation. This might work in gaining her trust as well, if she feels like we are willing to protect her. I sure am, and by the looks of it, the others are as well.

"I second that plan." Damiano chimes in. "How long until she snaps out of, uh, whatever is going on with her?" He doesn't know how to properly explain the situation going on with her. I shrug my shoulders, I'm not sure how long It'll take for her to snap out of it. We'll need her to get to Nico before they come back in here again. 

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