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"I PUT THEM to sleep for you, I don't understand how you be struggling sometimes" Imerie said while walking into Eric's room. He laid on the bed shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"It's to many of them, come on let's go to sleep" he told her while sitting up, she closed the door secretly locking it before going over to straddle is lap. He didn't think nothing of it so he laid on his back with her still on his arms.

She started kissing on his neck making his breath hitch slightly, "Baby wha- what you doing?" He asked sitting up. She shrugged her shoulders before hopping off, she grabbed the towel removing it before taking her night gown off.

That left her in the lace bra and panties set he bought for her birthday, he smiled brightly before laying back onto the pillow with his hands under his head. Music in the background was played on que making the mood change even more.

He was left naked while she rubbed up and down his torso. "Can I?" She asked rubbing on his tip, his breather slowed while shaking his head slowly. She unclipped her bra and removed her panties before attaching her mouth to his tip.

She was a pro at giving head, Eric swore she was so innocent but this was the day she proved him wrong. Her head bobbed up and down while her other finger went down to massage his balls. She licked the tip with her full tongue before going back down.

Her mouth took all nine inches in, he was a grunting mess. Wrapping her hair in his hands he pushed her head lower fucking her face. She let him do exactly that giving him all control while she put her hands behind her back.

He held her head up before fucking up into her mouth, he stayed at the back of her throat for a second before going back down giving her some air.  She took control back stuffing his dick in her mouth.

His toes curled while his mouthed opened slightly, right when he was on the verge of cumming she removed her mouth smiling up at him. His eyes snapped open while he looked at her dumbfounded.

"I don't want you to cum that way baby, do whatever you want to me" she told him while kissing his torso, he grunted before flipping them over to where he was hovering over her.

He went besides opening his dresser looking for a condom but couldn't find one, "Shit ma, I'm out of condoms.." she rolled her eyes sighing in annoyance. She was so horny to the point she'll do anything.

She bit her lip while thinking, "Do you wanna go and get a pill in the morning?" She asked. He shook his hand rapidly before pecking her lips twice, she rubbed his back while he aligned his dick to her entrance.

He pushed in slowly making her mouth drop open from the pain, she hadn't had sex in almost two years she was all new to this stuff. "It's aokay ma I'll go slow" he spoke making her head shake lightly.

"Shit you so tight, I'm bout to buss" he moved slowly in while she looked up at him, the pleasure was now getting to her. He noticed when she started clenching making him speed it up faster, he leaned up while using his finger to toy with her clit.

He stopped to put both of her legs on his shoulder, she was a mess. "Yes oh my god keep going" she moaned while toying with her nipples, she could be as loud as she wanted since the music was in the back ground and the kids had a sleeping noise in the background.

He hit her g-spot multiple of times wrapping his arms around her leg, "That feel good?" He asked leaning down to kiss her neck, she didn't respond feeling like she was on cloud nine.

He slowed down making her shake her head yes, he sped right back up going deeper every time. Imerie felt so good she couldn't even think straight, soon enough cum started coating his dick. She hadn't even known she did that until she felt wetness.

He did a few more strokes before emptying his seed all inside of her, he collapsed on her body while they both breathed hard and loud. He soon rolled off her giving her the space she needed.

"I haven't had pussy like that in a while" he said making her laugh before rolling over to lay her head on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat making her smile while creating circles on his chest.

"Stop that tickles" he spoke while laughing, he grabbed her wrist softly making her stop. She looked up at him while they maintained eye contact, he pecked her lips five times before she pulled him in for a deep kiss.

He sucked on her tongue making her laugh before pulling away, she suddenly sat up before running out into his closet. He looked at her confused before sitting up going after her. She came back out with a pair of shorts on with one of Eric's sweaters.

"It's one in the morning, Jude needs his milk" she said slipping on her socks and sandals. She went into his big mirror fixing her hair up into a bun, Eric laughed lowly before getting up slipping sweatpants on with a white beater.

"You are so dramatic I swear" she stuck up the middle finger at him before opening the door seeing Jude walking towards Eric's room door. Eric looked at him from behind shock that she got it right on cue when he would be walking up.

"Hi pooka c'mere" she opened her arms making him walk into her arms, she picked him up walking down the stairs with Eric right on her tail. Jude laid his head on her shoulder with his eyes wide opened.

"Eric do you have like the syrups?" She asked when they entered the kitchen, he shook his head slightly before opening the cabinet showcasing chocolate and strawberry milk syrup.

Jude pointed towards the strawberry syrup making Eric grab it tossing it towards Imerie. Imerie finished making it so he could hurry and drink it. Jude walked back up to Ej's room heading back to sleep while the couple stayed in the kitchen.

"You got Oreos?" She asked opening the brown cabinets, (yes brown cabinets fuck what that hoe said on TikTok). He nodded his head pointing towards the cabinet making her open them seeing individual packs.

"You eat like a little kid yo" he said laughing, she deadpanned him before leaving to walk back up the stairs with him following. They got back in the bed cuddling while watching tv, Eric massaged her butt giving the signal.

"Eric again? Really.." she said sitting up while looking at him, he shrugged his shoulders before connecting their lips.

Indeed they went for another round, and then another, and then.. well you know.

 well you know

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