Chapter 11: Will Reyhan realise?

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Can, unable to contain his anger, held Emir's collar and punched him. The room fell into shock, and Emir, already broken inside, didn't resist.

Zara intervened, saying, "Can, stop it. He's my brother, my abi." Can, frustrated, asked Zara how she could still say that after knowing Emir's true face.

In the intense aftermath, Zehra arrived and questioned the situation, saying, "Emir, my son, what have these people done to you?" She then turned to Can, asking why he hit Emir and scolding him, "Have you lost your mind?" Emir stood in silence, not reacting. Can proceeded to explain everything to Zehra, detailing Emir's actions. Zehra, disappointed, said, "Emir, I told you these people, especially this girl, are not worthy of your love and care. You got married to her to save her honor, and in return, she's accusing you, confronting you."

Emir remained silent with tears in his eyes. Zehra, with firmness, declared, "Emir, divorce Reyhan now. She never deserved to be with you." Reyhan was shocked by Zehra's words. Ahmet agreed, saying, "Yes, we don't need a man like this for my daughter." Zara protested, defending Emir, "Wait, what are you people talking about? Emir abi loves Reyhan. Separation is not the solution." Can, determined and countered said, "Zara, don't try to save this empty relationship. Their separation is the solution for both families." Cansu stood silently.

Zehra insisted, "Emir, yes, divorce her." However, Emir gathered courage and firmly said, "I won't divorce her." Everyone was shocked at Emir's unexpected response. He continued, "I won't divorce her until she realizes her mistake, until she wants to take her words back but couldn't do that."

With those words, Emir stepped out of Polat House, his steps heavy and confident, wiping away his tears. Everyone stood shocked by Emir's unexpected decision.

Days passed after Reyhan and Emir's separation. Reyhan continued living at her parents'house, Reyhan started a new job as a sales executive at an antique shop, and life continued for her.

Meanwhile, Emir transformed into a different person. His appearance changed; he grew long hair and a heavy beard with little pumped muscular body. His company continued to perform well, but the media remained concerned about his personal life-whether he was married or single. Reyhan and Emir's togetherness lasted only three weeks. Everyone was curious to know who Emir had married.

Esra reached Emir while he was busy in the gym. Esra sighed, "They published about you and me again." Emir, unfazed, smiled and replied, "If I declare you and me as childhood friends, will they believe it?" Esra chuckled, "No, but look at it. I'm working as your PR manager, and they didn't even spare me." Emir casually responded, "That's why. Let those rumors circulate. After some time, they will die down."

Reyhan was working at an antique shop, arranging magazines at a stand outside. She picked them up one by one, settling them into the stand. Suddenly, her eyes caught a magazine cover with a picture of Emir and Esra holding hands, accompanied by the headline, "Is Emir Tarhun Married or Single?" Reyhan picked up that magazine, her heart aching at the sight of the picture. After a moment of staring, she put the magazine back in its place and continued with her work, trying to push aside the pain.

In the living room at Polat House, Cansu was sitting and started coughing. Zara handed her a glass of water, expressing concern, "Mom, should be conscious about your health." Cansu replied, "I don't need any consciousness." Zara sat beside Cansu, saying, "Mom, we all need you - Baba, Can, Reyhan, Ayla. We need you."

Reyhan entered, and Zara, ignoring eye contact with her, continued talking to Cansu. Reyhan mentioned, "I'm going to my room, Mom," and went inside. In her room, Reyhan started looking for something in her wardrobe, expressing frustration, "I put this here, why is it not here now?" Zara, appearing from behind, held a shirt and asked, "Are you looking for this?" Reyhan hesitated, and Zara questioned her, "Why do you still have this? This is Emir Abi's shirt."

Reyhan, trying to explain, said, "It mistakenly got packed with my clothes." Zara pressed, "Oh really? Then why were you so worried when you couldn't find it at its place?" Reyhan, avoiding eye contact, remained silent. Zara confronted her, "Reyhan, accept this. You love Emir abi." Reyhan, defensively, responded, "What do you think, Zara? I didn't try to investigate this matter. The letter said Emir did all this, and only your mom, Zehra, can help. When I reached her, she said Emir could be behind all this. And when I confirmed it with Zaroon, he also said yes. Now, tell me, what else could I have done?"

Zara firmly suggested to Reyhan, "You should have talked to someone from the close circle of Zaroon. It could happen that somebody tried to frame Emir abi. But that day, you behaved so immaturely.

Zara expressed her frustration, saying, "Reyhan, you know Can denied me to talk to my own brother because of all this. I haven't seen him for 4 months." Reyhan apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, Zara. Because of me, you have to face all this."

In a heartfelt moment, Zara said, "Reyhan, you never valued his love. Destiny brought you two together. He loved you so unconditionally. He never demanded anything; he cared for you more than himself. But when a rough patch came, you gave up on him.

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