Chapter 25: Sneak peak!

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In the quiet of the night, Reyhan found herself alone in her room, pacing and contemplating Emir's words. Thoughts raced through her mind, questioning, "How can Emir say such a thing about me? That I don't have any motherly instinct. Does he think I can't be a good mother? Am I a hard stone inside?"

Suddenly, Emir appeared at her room's window, surprising Reyhan. Emir spoke, "No, you're not." Reyhan, taken aback, asked, "What are you doing here?" Emir requested, "Help me get inside." Reyhan assisted him, questioning, "What are you doing here?" Emir, determined, replied, "I want to talk to you."

Resistant, Reyhan stated, "But I don't want to." As she tried to move away, Emir gently held her arm, bringing her closer. Their proximity was undeniable, and their eyes met. Reyhan, firm, said, "Let go of me." Emir insisted, "First, show me your bandage. I know you haven't changed it till now."

Defiant, Reyhan retorted, "Why do you even care? Just leave me. I'm an emotionless person." Emir, undeterred, explained, "Because of a small argument, you're getting this much angry with me?" Reyhan softened as she looked at him. Emir continued, "That was our first argument. As husband and wife, we have many challenges ahead, Mrs. Reyhan Tarhun."

As Emir referred to Reyhan as "Mrs. Reyhan Tarhun," his words echoed in the room. Reyhan, overjoyed to hear as he acknowledged her as his wife, felt a warmth spreading within her. Emir, wanting to ensure Reyhan's well-being, gently wrapped his arms around her, standing behind.

Standing closely, Emir carefully lifted her night suit shirt to inspect the bandage at her waist. As he changed the bandage, his hands moved over her abdomen. Reyhan, feeling the warmth of his touch, closed her eyes, savoring the moment.

Emir, sensing the connection between them, gently moved Reyhan's hair from her shoulder and rested his chin on her shoulder. The tender gesture continued as he placed a kiss behind her ear, sending a shiver down Reyhan's spine.

Just as the closeness deepened, Ayla knocked on the door, startling both Reyhan and Emir. They abruptly moved away from each other. Reyhan, composed yet flustered, urged, "Go now." Emir, with a hint of humor, replied, "I won't be able to go down on the pipe so easily." Reyhan retorted, "Then who told you to come here through the window?" Emir, with a teasing smile, stated, "I'm here for my wife."

Reyhan blushed, her thoughts racing as she considered Emir's actions. She wondered, "What happened to him after yesterday's night? He's getting so close to me, calling me his wife again and again. Did I say something to him yesterday? I don't even remember anything."

In a mischievous moment, Emir playfully pulled Reyhan close, whispering, "I want you now." However, Ayla's persistent knocking on the door interrupted the playful atmosphere. Reyhan, trying to loosen Emir's grip, quickly responded, "Ayla, I'm in the bathroom. Do you want anything?"

Ayla, oblivious to the situation, replied, "No, Abla. Just calling you for movie night- you, Zara, and me." Thinking on her feet, Reyhan feigned a yawn and said, "I'm feeling sleepy now. You guys go ahead and watch. I'm so tired." Emir raised his eyebrows at Reyhan's clever response, and she smiled with a blushy expression.

Ayla accepted Reyhan's excuse, saying, "Okay, Reyhan Abla, you take rest," and left, unknowingly leaving Emir and Reyhan in a room filled with playful tension and romance.

In a tender moment, Emir leaned in and whispered in Reyhan's ear, saying, "Yesterday, you said something magical to me. After that, I'm not able to keep myself away from you." Reyhan, confused and trying to recall what she said. Then Emir gently revealed, "You said, 'I love you, Emir.'" His words echoed in the room, creating a charged atmosphere.

Reyhan, feeling a mix of blush and embarrassment, attempted to move away, but Emir once again pulled her, this time into a warm hug. While embracing her, Emir softly spoke, "Your voice and those words are still roaming in my heart." Overwhelmed with a combination of emotions, Reyhan closed her eyes, caught in the delicate dance of affection and shared feelings in that intimate moment.

In a gentle attempt to push Emir away from the hug, Reyhan and Emir lost their balance and tumbled onto the bed. As they landed, their eyes met, and a shared moment of closeness unfolded. Emir, moved by the proximity, gently caressed his hand over Reyhan's cheek.

With an unspoken understanding, they found themselves close, their breaths mingling in the quiet room. In the intimate silence, they both closed their eyes, savoring the tender moment as emotions and unspoken words lingered in the air.

In the morning, Reyhan's head rested on Emir's chest as they shared a quiet moment. She stirred awake, a smile forming on her face as she found Emir close to her. Gently lifting herself up, Reyhan kissed Emir on the chin while he continued to sleep.

Suddenly, realization struck her, and Reyhan widened her eyes, remembering the potential consequences if someone found Emir there. Swiftly, she woke him up, saying, "Emir, wake up." Emir stirred, looking at her with a smile and saying, "Good morning, Reyhan."

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