Chapter #1 Family Reunions

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BAM! Ace slams into a brick wall. The blue-haired angel picked himself up and prepared for a fatal blow. The enemy charges at Ace but is flung away by what seems to be magic. "Viktor!" Ace exclaimed. A tall demon with long grey hair tied in a ponytail and glowing red eyes appears from the fog. "You need to be more careful," Viktor scolded. "You could have died!" Ace picks up his double-sided scythe. "I know, I know, I got impatient," he whined. "You know I don't like observing the enemy. It's boring!" "Well, being bored is better than being dead!" Viktor argued. The enemy, in a failed attempt to sneak up on Viktor, lunges at him but is halted mid-air. "How pathetic." Viktor scoffs as he throws the enemy at Ace, who slices him in half with his scythe. "You could have warned me!" Ace pouted. Viktor giggles and sticks his younger out at Ace. "Stop acting like a toddler. You're nineteen, Viktor." "I'm a toddler in demon years." Viktor protested. Ace face palmed. "Can we please just go home?" "Nope! I'm hungry! Let's go eat!" "Ugh!"
Viktor and Ace travel to their current hometown. It's small and secluded, but it's only temporary. They arrive at a small cafe they have yet to try. "Let's eat here!" Viktor stated excitedly. "Whatever, I don't really care," Ace replied. The boys walk in and find a seat at a booth. A tall, beautiful woman with long lavender hair and crystal-like purple eyes approaches their table. "Hi, my name is Amber," she says in an upbeat tone. "I'll be your server today. What can I start you with?" Ace looks up at the girl, ready to answer, but he pauses. Her beauty leaves him speechless. "I'll have a coffee, black," Viktor answers. "And for you, sir?" Amber asks with what seems to be the most interest. Ace buries into his lavender turtleneck out of embarrassment. "He'll have a water." Viktor interrupts. "Alright, I'll be right out with that," Amber says with a smile. "You're such a loser, Ace. You can't even tell a girl what you want to drink." "I know! I got lost in the eyes, and then she asked what I wanted, and then I got embarrassed, and ugh!" Ace rambled. Viktor could only laugh at his flustered friend. "You have to be smooth! Make some small talk." "How do I make small talk if I can't even talk to her without freaking out!" "you're hopeless." Viktor laughs. Amber walks up to the table, startling Ace. "You alright," she says with her hand on his back. "Mhm!" Ace murmured nervously. "Well, here's your water and your coffee," she says as she sets down their drinks. "That was not smooth." "shut up!"
Some time passes, and Viktor asks for the ticket. "Thank you for coming. Have a great day!" Amber says as she leaves the table. "Ace, there's something here for you," Viktor hands Ace a folded piece of paper. The paper read 'Small talk is easier over the phone' signed Amber with her phone number and a smiley face. "No way!" Ace exclaimed. Viktor laughs. "I guess she really likes you."
Over the course of a few months, Amber and Ace started to hang out more and then eventually started dating. Ace and Viktor were considering moving towns, so Ace asked Amber if she was interested in coming. Amber happily agreed. The trio then readied for an adventure.
Viktor, Ace, and Amber set off on their journey. The village they are traveling to requires them to walk through a large forest. As they were walking, Viktor felt a sharp in his shoulder. "Get down!" he yells." Amber and Ace take cover as black arrows shower where they once stood. Viktor stops the arrows from hitting him. "Why don't you just leave me alone, Damien? That hurts!" glowing red orbs are seen in the trees shortly before the demon they belong to jumps out, landing a little ways in front of Viktor. He has a very sharp jawline and a massive build with short brown hair and a sinister smile. "I can't believe my baby brother still recognizes my arrows," Damien mocks. Ace readys his scythe. "Viktor, you have a brother?" "Yes, and I can sense that he is much stronger than when we fought last," Viktor informs as he throws off his almost black cloak. "Oh Viky, you're so grown up," Damien taunts as he teleports behind Ace, grasping his hair tight. "You have a cute little friend here, and It's a shame he won't be able to walk anymore!" Damien shouts as he throws Ace into a tree. "Ace!" Viktor shouts. He grabs Amber and whispers, "Stay close." Damien charges at Viktor but is flung up in the air and then slammed into the ground. "Wow, my baby brother got this strong in just four years?" Ace picks himself up and runs to Amber as the two brothers fight. "Amber! Are you okay?" Ace worried. "I'm fine, go help Viktor!" Ace activates his scythe. "Go hide in the trees, and don't come out until I say so," Ace instructs. Amber runs to hide in the trees, and once she's safe, Ace charges at Damien. Damien leaps into the air and fires three arrows at once. Ace winces in pain as one grazes his leg, but then he flies up into the air, seeming to disappear. "Where did he go?" Damien questions fearfully. Viktor shoots Damien up into the air with his telekinetic powers. Ace then swoops down and slices Damien in half with his scythe. He lands gracefully as the severed demon drops next to him. "How did I do Viktor?" Ace asks excitedly. "Something isn't right," Viktor worries. "Damien is much stronger than that." "Or we are just super awes-" Ace is interrupted by a terrible pain in his back followed by blood spewing from his mouth. "You're so naive it's almost adorable!" Amber floats as she twists the knife she stabbed into her lover "A-Amber?" Ace stutters, "H-how could y-you?" "Was this all just a sick game to you!?" Viktor screamed in frustration. Amber cackles, "I have another surprise too!" Amber kicks the angel like he is a piece of garbage. She heals Damien in one-hand motion, and she shape-shifts into her true form. Connie has long black hair with glowing red eyes. She's pretty tall, and she has a sinister look on her face. "Did ya miss your sissy Viky?" she asks, prying for a reaction. "Connie!?" Viktor gasps. Connie attempts to stomp on Ace, but Viktor flings her away and then grabs Ace and flees the scene as fast as he can. "I hate family reunions!"

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