Chapter #3 Talk Over Dinner

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WHAM! Several angels slam into the ground. "Tell me where Ace is and I'll back down!" Viktor shouts. "Who is Ace?" the captain of the soldiers questions. An armored prison van quickly whips into the police station. "Captin!" a soldier yells "We found the angel this demon is looking for!" Viktor runs to the van. "Open it now!" he demands. The soldier opens the van and Viktor jumps in to discover Ace, back to an angel, in the corner shaking in fear. "Ace!" Viktor yells as Ace perks up out of his huddled state. "Viktor!" he responds. Viktor swiftly runs to his fearful friend "Are you okay?" "I can't really move my legs" Ace shakily replies. Viktor grabs Ace and flees to the forest, setting him down by a tree. "Ace?" "hm?" "you good?" "Mhm" "Well, then let's go find a place to rest" Viktor States as Ace responds in agreement. Viktor lifts Ace onto his back so they can begin to search for a comfortable place to take a rest. "What happened?" Viktor asks. "When Am- I mean Connie stabbed me, her blade cursed me to become a demon until an angel's life was taken by my hands." "so..." Viktor starts "You killed an angel?" "My father..." Ace begins "Technically he reclaimed me but only to have me killed, so now by law I am the owner and ruler of the angel realm." "wow," Viktor replies, speechless "Well let's just about that later okay?" "Sure," Ace says with a sigh before falling asleep on Viktor's back. Viktor finds a cabin in the woods that seems to be abandoned. He walks in and lays his friend on the couch. "Viktor leaves to the woods to search for food. He comes back with an assortment of fruits, two rabbits, a collection of herbs, and a load of firewood. Viktor then builds a fire and begins to cook. After a little while a sleepy Ace stumbles outside, drawn to the smell of food. "Hey Vik, Whatchu makin'?" "I don't really know but it tastes good." "that's good" Ace laughs. Viktor plops into food a bowl and hands it to Viktor. "I don't know what I would do without you Viktor." "What is that supposed to mean?" "It means I would have been dead long ago if it weren't for you," Ace says looking off into the distance with a soft smile as if he were recalling a memory. "Oh that's not true" Viktor scoffs. "You know the day we met," Ace questions. "Yeah" "Do you know why I was on that bridge, that late at night, all alone?" Viktor eyes widen in shock and he sits there for just one silent moment before slicing through the almost palpable tension with his words "No way." "That meal you bought me was the meal that saved my life and I will be grateful for that." Viktor starts to tear up "You know that means a lot to me," Viktor begins "because you are all I have Ace and to know that I saved you, my best friend, is exactly what I needed to hear right now." Ace smiles as he enjoys the current conversation way more than his mystery stew. The two boys continue to talk over dinner.

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