That Dang Wall

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~Mystery POV~
This morning was a bright day filled with endless possibilities just like yesterday. I awoke to birds chirping and the beautiful sun coming out of its hiding spot from behind the clouds to guide us.
I'd like to say that nothing could ruin today but that is wrong. The annoying Potter boy won't stop following me around will ruin everything like always. And then there's his brother and his friends. Their all sticking their noses in things that they shouldn't and soon, they will find out my secret, and worst of all my destiny.
~Roses POV~
Today could be going better. I started my day by bumping my head on the wall and waking up my whole dorm. Then my bacon started moving on its own and now I'm here in my favourite class doing my least favourite thing. We are turning our quills into rabbits. To you, that may seem like the best thing that could ever happen but to me, the girl who has a fear of rabbits, it's so terrifying!
In Ravenclaw I'm rather lonely. I don't really have any friends in my house. Well that's until what happened after class.
"Hey... Rose is it?" Asked a boy named David in my house. I was suddenly very awear of my heart beating 10 times faster.
"Depends who's asking" I said simply causing him to laugh. David was rather lanky with messy Raven black nose length hair.
"I think you know who's asking" he chuckled making my cheeks go red with heat. What's happening to me?
"Yes but do you know who's asking?" I asked him mentally slapping myself. Why was I saying all of this stuff.
"I didn't realise you were so funny" he chuckled.
"Neither did I" I mumbled to myself.
"Oh nothing. Wait where are we going?" I was so focused on my poor choice of words that I didn't actually notice that we were heading somewhere and that I didn't know the destination.
"I don't know, I was following you" he shrugged "do you wanna keep walking and just see where the wind takes us?"
I felt my cheeks try to have a completion with fire, which one is hotter. I think my cheeks won.
"We have class" I shook my head, turning around trying to find my class.
"We don't have to go" he shrugged again looking all innocent.
Usually I would've said no immediately and never talk to him again but something was wrong with me today. I was actually considering saying yes.
"No. My mother will kill me if she found out, besides what will we do? Run around the castle aimlessly?"
He laughed again making butterflies flap around in my stomach.
"Your right. But maybe after classes before curfew?"
I smiled and nodded muttering "gotta go check my mouldy cheese... See ya" and running off to class. I heard his laugh again and nearly hit a wall.

Through all of my classes I still couldn't think straight. When I put up my hand to answer a question I looked over at David and then said togys brolls instead of troll bogys. During history my brain was so cluttered that I stabbed myself with my Quill causing Albus to laugh at me before suggesting I go to the hospital wing because I might turn into a squid. Finally after potions with the griffendors I went to go and find David.
"She's not even that pretty!" I heard a boy say. I had two options, look for David or find out who was not so pretty. I chose the second one.
I ducked behind the wall and listened ."Maybe not to someone who needs glasses" David's voice spat. "Come on bro, she's not even cool. Ditch her and stay with us" another boy said.
They were talking about me weren't they? "Just let me go" he snapped.
"Woah. Calm down bro" the first one laughed.
"If you won't let me do what I want, then I'm not your bro!" I then heard footsteps loudly stomp towards me and I panicked finally deciding to push myself up against the wall and hope he didn't notice. I took in a huge breath hoping to get my stomach to go closer to the wall. I looked ridiculous. When he came around the corner he did notice and started laughing at me. "So you heard the whole thing?"
I nodded sadly "thanks for saying no but you didn't have to. I would've understood".
He shook his head "they don't have the right to dictate my life. It was time I got some new friends anyway. All of them are in slytherin, second year so I don't even see them that often."
"How did you make friends with a slytherin second year?"
"My family has been in slytherin since the first people to get put in slytherin. I am the first person in centuries to be put in Ravenclaw. So naturally my mother would have a bunch of slytherin friends so that's how I met them."
"Are you parents ok with you being in Ravenclaw?"
He chuckled shaking his head. "I broke years and years of tradition. They aren't too fond of me right now but that's not my problem. I'll probably only go back home for the summer holiday." He looked at me kindly and then took my hand causing even more butterflies to fly around in my stomach and my face to go as red as my hair.
"What about you and your family?"
I shrugged. "They don't really mind honestly. I am supposed to be in Griffendor like the last couple of hundred generations but at the end of the day they just want me to be happy".
"Your parents are famous right?" He asked causing me to lose my footing.
"Yeaaaaah?" I was getting worried at where this was going. He was going to ask for a favour wasn't he?
"Neat" he shrugged and we kept walking. I was shocked. Not many people bring up my parents without asking for an autograph or a favour. Once a boy asked me to hook him up with my mother. It was a weird day
There was an awkward silence between us for a wile before I said "why did you start talking to me anyway?"
He looked taken a back. "You looked lonely and I felt lonely. I thought maybe we could make each other a little less lonely".
That's when the bell for dinner rang. "Come sit with me?" He asked. I nodded and smiled again.
It was true what he said, now we were both a little less lonely.

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