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Caleb stood in front of his mirror, Christine standing close behind, both of their eyebrows furrowed and looks of confusion evident across their faces

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Caleb stood in front of his mirror, Christine standing close behind, both of their eyebrows furrowed and looks of confusion evident across their faces. "No, no, I think he meant that it goes over that part," Christine stated as she glanced at the video playing on the laptop. "Or maybe under...I'm actually not so sure."

The teenager looked over towards the screen, both of his hands holding a different piece of the tie. "Like this?" Caleb asked as he crossed them before he frowned when he realized that it still didn't look right. "This is harder than it looks."

It was small moments like this that were harsh reminders to Caleb that he did in fact grow up without a real father figure. Tying a tie was something so small, so simple, yet he genuinely had no clue on how to do it.

"Surprisingly, moments like this actually make me miss your dad," Christine stated, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Oh! Wait, he put it over the short part, not the long part!"

Caleb squinted slightly as he tried doing it that way, his tongue sticking out as he focused. He wrapped one end around the other, and finally was able to make that knot in the middle. "Oh thank God," he mumbled once it was done. "I was not about to go to this stupid dance without a tie, that would look ridiculous."

She smiled, "There you go," Christine patted his shoulder affectionately. "And that only took 24 minutes," she added, glancing down at her watch.

"Guess we don't need dad for anything," Caleb stated, straightening out his shirt and then his suit jacket. "Not for anything."

Christine didn't reply at first, just giving him a small smile. "I know you don't mean that," she commented; Caleb was just trying to convince himself that he didn't need his father in his life.

"I do," Caleb replied. "Plus, it's a good thing he's not here because he'd go into heart failure again if he saw Peter standing at the door."

"Oh come on," Christine shook her head with a small chuckle, reaching forward and fixing a strand of the boy's hair. "He doesn't care about any of that stuff, you know that."

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