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liked by peterparker01, nedleeds, and 231 otherscalebstrange: homecoming !! 🤗

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liked by peterparker01, nedleeds, and 231 others
calebstrange: homecoming !! 🤗

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Caleb felt bad watching Liz Allan pack her locker into boxes on Monday morning, tears in her eyes with Betty Brant by her side. He did feel bad, not only because of her dad, but for all the selfish and one sided hatred he had held towards her for the last two months. For a while, he had really hoped that she would just disappear, but now that she actually was, he just felt bad.

He knew what it was like to realize your dad isn't the person you once thought he was. Obviously he can't really compare the failures of Stephen to that of Adrian Toomes', but he was sure the feeling they shared felt somewhat similar.

Not that Adrian didn't deserve everything that came to him, but Caleb did feel sympathy for the people he left to deal with his actions.

Caleb glanced away, looking back at the books inside of his locker; he didn't want to stand and stare at her the way most of the other students were; to them, this was all just some drama, but he knew that to her it was probably the worst day of her entire life.

It almost felt selfish for him to be so excited about what happened last night within the walls of his room, especially when other people were struggling so much. Still, he couldn't help but feel happy at the words that were spoken last night, the things that were admitted after so long.

A few moments later, he felt a presence behind him and then a hand on his side. "Hey," Peter said gently, grabbing his attention.

He turned around, smiling "Hi," Caleb replied, his smile falling as he furrowed his brows slightly as he looked at his face. "I knew you said you healed quickly, but I didn't think it would be that fast," he commented.

Peter laughed slightly, "I know," he agreed, glancing away for a second before back at him; even now, small interactions somehow made him blush. "Not even a scratch left."

"So all my work last night was useless then," he joked, leaning nearer to him. "You just used it as an excuse to get closer to me, I guess," he teased, scrunching his nose.

"Well, maybe?" Peter shrugged, smiling as he lowered his voice. "I mean, it worked, didn't it?"

Caleb bit his bottom lip, chuckling slightly before he leaned in and kissed him just for a couple of seconds, then pulling away. "I guess it did."

Peter laughed awkwardly, "I'm glad we're just doing that now..." he commented. "You know, being this time in front of everyone," he added.

"Coming out the same day the popular girl's dad gets arrested is surprisingly a good idea," Caleb told him, glancing down the hallway. "No one even cares, and that's good."

"Good," Peter agreed.

Caleb turned and closed his locker before he looked back at him. "You going to chemistry?" he asked him as if the answer wasn't already obvious; Peter barely ever skipped classes.

"Yeah," he nodded, offering Caleb his hand.

He took it, interlocking their fingers, and beginning to walk down the hallway with his boyfriend towards the classroom.


A/N: This is the last chapter for the Homecoming part of the book! It's short, but I needed a way to finish it off before starting the Infinity War part.

IW will start with a few short chapters bringing us up to the actual movie. There's about a year and a half between Homecoming and IW so I'll write a few important moments in their relationship before starting the movie plot.

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it! :)

- August ❤️

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