Chapter 3: The Streets of Sumeru City

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"Welcome to my humble abode," Kaveh said, opening the doors to his house in Sumeru City.

"It's quite dusty in here," Alhaitham remarked. "So, uh, what should I do, as your muse?"

Kaveh froze. He was too enamored with Alhaitham as a person/horse (?) to think about what exactly a muse should do.

"Uhm, I think you just pose?" Kaveh suggested. "Isn't that something a muse should do, Mehrak?"

"Beep!" Mehrak confirmed.

"Alright, then," Alhaitham shrugged. He threw one of his front legs behind his head, raised the other one in the air, crossed his hind legs over each other, and bent himself backwards.

"Uh, no," Kaveh said with a straight face. "Ew."

"Bruh," Mehrak said with a straight face. (I thought he only beeped? Whatever.)

"Then I don't get what you want me to do?" Alhaitham returned back to standing on four hooves

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"Then I don't get what you want me to do?" Alhaitham returned back to standing on four hooves.

"Just be yourself!" Kaveh said. "You are who I fell in love- COUGH COUGH- I MEAN, WHAAAAAT?"

"Uh-huh..." Alhaitham nodded and inched away from Kaveh. "Erm, I'll just go look in this little storage room. Maybe inspiration could come to you from something I find in there."

Alhaitham was digging through Kaveh's storage room. Among the old pens, dusty rulers, and other architect junk, was a large leather saddle. Alhaitham put his hooves on either side of it and raised it like the holy grail, above his head.

"Hey, Kaveh," Alhaitham called. "Won't you... ride me?"

"BEEP!?" Mehrak exclaimed, its eyes wide.

"A-alhaitham!?" Kaveh stuttered, staring wide eyed at the saddle. "R-r-ride you!?"

"Yes, why do you look so flustered?" Alhaitham raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing," Kaveh said with a sigh. Right, there was nothing in this relationship beyond work. And he shouldn't dream of more.


"Ah! Alhaitham, you're going too fast!" Kaveh gasped, breathing heavily. He was holding on tightly to Alhaitham's back, paralyzed by an intense liberating feeling of both freedom and pleasure.

The two of them were riding through Sumeru City's streets, Alhaitham's hooves clacking on the pavement.

"Tch, you're gripping so tightly," Alhaitham muttered. "Ow! Seriously, stop digging your nails in my back, it hurts."

"I'm just scared... I mean, we're doing it in front of so many people!" Kaveh exclaimed.

"What's the problem?" Alhaitham asked. "I mean, if you fall off the saddle, one of them is ought to catch you."

Kaveh laughed, partially agreeing Alhaitham. He leaned back, letting his blonde hair flow in the breeze. Mehrak was desperately trying to catch up behind them, but Kaveh didn't care. The freedom that riding Alhaitham gave him was more than he needed for true inspiration.

Kaveh feels true freedom for the first time, all thanks to Alhaitham. Will they bond further, or is their relationship doomed to be nothing beyond work? Find out in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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