The Truth of Arthur's Birth

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The scene began with Arthur opening his eyes to see his mother's smiling face.

"But- that's impossible-" Uther gasped, sitting up on his chair. His eyes instandly glistened with tears.

Arthur's jaw had dropped, "mother?"

They greeted each other quickly and Ygraine gave him a hug. She had tears in her eyes as she stared at her son. "When I last held you, you were a tiny baby. I remember your eyes. You were staring up at me. Those few seconds I held you were the most precious of my life."

Merlin turned to Arthur to see that he was crying.

"I'm going to see my mother," he smiled softly.

"I'm so sorry," Arthur's voice broke.

Morgana frowned. She hated to see Arthur upset. Though, she felt overjoyed that he got to see his mother. As children, they talked about her a lot; wondering what she would have been like.

"You have nothing to be sorry for!"

"It was my birth that caused you to die."

"It wasn't your fault, Arthur," Gwen said sympathetically. "How could it have been? You were merely a baby."

Arthur didn't reply. He just gave her a small smile.

"No, you are not to blame!"

"I cannot bear the thought that you died because of me," Arthur cried and his mother hugged him.

"You believed after all these years that her death was your fault?" Uther frowned, turning to his son. "Even as a child you thought this?"

Arthur nodded.

"It was not your fault."

"Then who is to blame?" Arthur wiped his tears. Whwn no one said anything, he nodded. "Exactly."

"Do not think that! It is your father who should carry the guilt for what happened."

Uther's expression dropped.

Arthur furrowed his eyebrows and sniffled. "What?"

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

Gaius grimaced knowingly.

"It is not important. What matters is that you lived."

Uther had risen from his chair and was muttering to himself. Arthur was staring at him warily.

Arthur pulled away from the hug. "Why should my father feel guilty?"

"That's enough," the king yelled desperately, getting out his sword. He aimed it at the crystal and attempted to smash it, but the metal just bounced off.

"It is better left in the past," Ygraine would not look at him.

"What is she talking about, father?" Arthur dared to ask but Uther ignored him. He aimed another blow at the crystal and failed once again.

"You cannot leave me with more questions. Please."

Uther dropped his sword and attempted to push the crystal out of his son's view. However it was too big, Arthur saw everything.

The crystal showed a blonde woman staring at them. It also showed Merlin; who looked worried.

"Who is that woman?" Gwen questioned but no one knew.

"Your father, he was desperate for an heir." Ygraine began. "Without a son, the Pendragon dynasty would come to an end. But I could not conceive."

It was too late for Uther. He stumbled backwards, unable to rid the lump in his throat.

"But how was I born? Tell me."

"Your father betrayed me." She looked at her son. "He went to the sorceress Nimueh and asked for her help in conceiving a child... You were born of magic."

All heads turned to Uther. All except Arthur's, who was staring at his hands.

Merlin glanced at the prince in concern. It looked as though he was going to snap at any moment.

Merlin gasped. Arthur was breathing heavily. His eyes were full of tears as he shook his head. "That's not true."

Morgana glared at her guardian, "you are such a hypocrite."

"Spare me, child," Uther waved her away, looking only at his son.

"I'm sorry, Arthur. Your father has deceived you as he deceived me. To create a life, a life must be taken. Your father knew that."

"Gaius did you know?" Arthur asked, as quiet as he had ever been.

"I am sorry, sire," Gaius replied, sorrowful. "I did."

"My father had sworn you to secrecy?" Arthur guessed.

"Yes sire."

"No," Arthur cried.

"He sacrificed my life so the Pendragon dynasty could continue. It makes you no less my son, nor me any less proud of you. Now I see you, I would have given my life willingly," she looked sadly at her crying son. "Do not let this knowledge change you."

No one said a word. All eyes were on Arthur and Uther. No one knew how he would react to such horrific news.

With a gust of wind, Arthur opened his eyes and she was gone.

Arthur rose slowly from his chair. He was staring at the floor where his father stood. "You're the reason my mother died."

"Arthur, this is a lie, I-"

"You're calling her a liar?" Arthur's voice was terrifyingly calm.

"No. This is clearly sorcery. How else would she be back from the dead?" Uther scoffed.

"I do not know, you are the one who killed her."

"It was Nimueh!" Uther roared.

"You pushed the blame onto sorcery!" Arthur was yelling now, his eyes were wide and full of anguish. "You punish magic instead of punishing yourself!"

"Sorcery is evil!" Uther snapped, pacing in front of the crystal as everyone stared at them.

"No, you are! How many sorcerers have you murdered to ease your guilt?"

"Magic is evil and will destroy us!"

"Merlin is magic and he has done nothing but protect me!" Arthur fired back.

Merlin shrunk in his chair. "Please do not bring me into this." He muttered.

"I will hear no more of this." Uther raised his hand to his son but Arthur had already taken out his sword.

"You are a hypocrite and a liar!" He cried, tears streaming down his red cheeks.

Morgana stood up and rested a hesitant hand on the Prince's shoulder. "Arthur-"

"What Morgana?" He snapped. "Do not protect him. He killed your father too!"

Morgana put her hand back down. "I was merely going to suggest that you leave the fighting till after our mission is complete. I am very aware of the cause of my father's demise, thank you." She sat down in her chair with a huff and Arthur gave her an apologetic look before sheathing his sword.

He glared at Uther. "I will never forgive you for this."

Uther nodded solemnly. "I do not ask you to."

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