Nimueh's death

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The scene began showing Nimueh standing above an unconscious Gaius. She raised a goblet above him as she chanted an encantation.

"Gaius, what happened!?" Uther demanded with furrowed eyebrows.

"It is a long story sire."

Merlin ran towards her, "stop!"

"Merlin, why are you always present?" Arthur questioned and Merlin shrugged.

"Back again so soon, warlock?" Nimueh smiled and put the goblet down. She walked towards Merlin.

"Consorting with the enemy, boy!" Uther yelled, pointing at Merlin with satisfaction.

"What have you done?"

"Your mother is safe. Isn't that what you wanted?" She asked.

"What does your mother have to do with this, Merlin?" Gwen frowned.

Merlin looked at Gaius, heartbroken. "Have you killed him?"

"It was his wish."

"Surely not, Gaius!" Arthur exclaimed. "This was the past, yes?"

"Yes, sire."

Arthur, Gwen and Morgana sighed in relief.

"I bid my life for Arthur's, not my mother's, not Gaius's!" Merlin yelled.

"You bid your life for mine, Merlin?" Arthur blinked in surprise.

"Yes sire. I always will."

"Right..." Arthur looked away as he felt his face grow warm.

"The Old Religion does not care who lives and who dies! Only that the balance of the world is restored. To save a life, a life must be taken. Gaius knew this."

"What a cruel law," Lancelot frowned.

"It is not the Old Religion that has done this." Merlin glared at her. "It is you."

"At least we have one thing in common, boy." Uther muttered. "Nimueh is not one to be trusted."

"Yes sire," Merlin nodded.

"Come now. We are too valuable to each other to be enemies." She smiled.

Merlin had never once considered joining forces with Nimueh. Though he imagined they would be a force to be reckoned with.

"No! I share nothing with you!"

"I mean..." Gwaine scratched his head. "You are both magic..."

Merlin glared at him.

"With my help, Arthur will become King."

Arthur frowned; clueless.

"I will make Arthur King. But you will never see that day!" And with that Merlin yelled a spell that caused a firey bolt to hit Nimueh. However, she absorbed the attack in her hands.

"How is she not dead!?" Elyan questioned, astonished.

Arthur could not focus on the orb. He was staring at Merlin. He was going to make him king? How?

"Your childish tricks are useless against me, Merlin. I am a priestess of the Old Religion." She aimed a fireball at Merlin but he jumped out the way. "You, too, are a creature of the Old Religion. You should join me."

Morgana looked at her own hands before staring at the orb. Would she one day be able to produce magic such as theirs?

"You think I would join forces with such a selfish and cruel magic? Never."

"You see Father, not all magic is evil," Arthur argued.

Uther just ignored him.

"So be it!" Nimueh threw another fireball at it hit Merlin in the chest, knocking him back as he groaned in pain. "Pity. Together we could've ruled the world." She said with a smirk.

"Goodness! That looks like it hurts! Merlin how did you survive that!" Gwen exclaimed, her hand over her mouth.

"Just lucky, I suppose."

Just as she turned and walked away, Merlin's eyes slammed open; a look of absolute fury decorating his features. He stood up slowly and glared at her. "You should not have killed my friend."

"Merlin, you needn't go through all of this trouble for me," Gaius muttered, frowning at the crystal.

"Gaius you are like a father to me. I would walk through fire for you," Merlin answered sincerely.

He slowly looked to the sky and pointed his hand towards the sky; magically forming a thunderstorm. Nimueh turned and looked at him. It was too late for her to do anything as a bolt of lightning rained down on her, exploding her to dust.

"And then I woke up," Gaius smiled.

"Merlin you are... incredibly powerful," Morgana said, amazed. "It is a good thing, Uther, that he is on Arthur's side, don't you agree?"

"Magic is a side of its own. It is evil and dangerous and should be destroyed."

Morgana rolled her eyes. "Ignore him, Merlin."

"It would not be difficult," he smirked.

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