Chapter 6 - Annoying

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I was still walking around eating my chocolate, then suddenly, someone unexpectedly tickled me, I screamed, I gasp when I knew who it was "JIMIN!!" he ran while laughing, I chased him "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU JIMIN, COME HERE" I ran faster, I got tired so I pretended to trip down, "Oh shit!" I sat down and pretended to hurt my foot, "Y/N?" Jimim came closer and sat beside me, he held my foot and looked at me, I smirked and tickled him, and hit his head "You don't do that to Y/N!" I said, "okay ok--- Y/N stop!" He laughed loudly, "stand up" I told him, he stood up and we ran to the others

[Namjoon POV]
"So how was your 'running' date?" I asked, "date?" Jimin and Y/N said. "Y/N!" Jungkook yelled, "Nae?"

"Let's go there!" He pointed at the coffee shop, Starbucks of course
"Alr---" he pulled me by the hand and we went inside, "what do you want?" He asked me, "Frappuccino" "I'll get that too, miss" he told the cashier, "2 Frappuccino's comin up!" She yelled, we sat down and talked, "you never told me your age tho" he rested his chin on his left hand "I'm 19" he gasped "Noona" "Stop calling me noona -.-" I said, the waitress came and said "One for the handsome boyfriend, and one for the gorgeous girlfriend" she placed down to Frappuccino's "No, we're not a couple" I smiled at the waitress "Jinjja?!, but you two look good together!!" "Haha nae nae thank you" Jungkook bowed and sat again, the waitress was now gone, it was obvious that Jungkook was feeling awkward.

I took the cover of my coffee off, I poked the coffee and put it on Jungkook's nose, I laughed hard, "You look like your shaving the fuck out of your nose HAHAHAHA" I said
"Stop making fun of me" he glared at me while wiping his nose, "Make me", "I'll carry you aga---" "JESUS CHRIST CALM DOWN, IM NOT GONNA MAKE FUN OF YOU"

[Jimin POV]
"they'd make a good couple" Namjoon said "I agree" everyone said except me "So we all agree" Suga said. I looked at them doing all lovey dovey couples do, idk what's so different about Y/N, but she's not like other girls who can't go out without make up, doesn't care if she looks haggard, she's just herself. That's what I liked about her, but I just get so jealous when I see Y/N with Jungkook, srsly it's like World War III for me.

"Let's g---" my phone suddenly rang "I gotta take this, ayt?" I answered the phone and went to the corner.
"Hello?" I said
"Calm down mom, I'm at the mall"
"wut? What are you doing there?! Come home! Now!"
"Calm down satan I'm coming
"Good, I lo----"
I ended the call, "I gotta go, okay?" I walked outside and said my goodbyes to them, I ran outside and called a taxi, I went inside and told him the way. Then I closed the door, some things can't stop repeating in my head, like when he called me, when he carried me, just ---- ASDFGHJKL idk I can't even explain wtf I'm feeling right now
Gonna continue it when I have the urge, cuz I'm like 'i want pizza rn mom TT' like literally.

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