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"So ghost what brings you here and with these people" Zeoticus asked his soon to be son in-law.

"You understand that a marriage is supposed to happen between me and Rias right" the male asked gaining a nod from zeoticus and his family.

"Ok you understand that this is to bring our family closer and even though it's just me and hyoko left" the male asked gaining another nod from them.

"Ok so why did i just find out from your daughter that you also plan on marrying her to that bastard of a pervert Rizer" ghost yelled to the older male.

"Ghost please calm down, and like you said it's to bring our family closer" sirzechs stated trying to calm down ghost.

"No I don't think you understand, you're marrying off my wife to some guy not only that my sister is being forced to marry him which we plan on declining that" hyoko stated looking at them.

"Look you know how us devils can be, his immortal Phoenix healing will help us out a lot especially with our destruction magic" zeoticus stated in a calm voice towards the twins.

"Ok so instead of marrying off another family member or better yet, sirzechs son to their youngest daughter you wanna force Rias off right" ghost asked the male in a annoyed tone.

"Look ghost ple-" zeoticus didn't get to finish as he suddenly felt a wave of destruction magic in the air.

"Listen zeoticus and sirzechs I don't give a damn about this anymore, I'll keep this marriage going but you can forget about gaining anything from my family clan ever I'll be leaving I hope you show up to our rating game" ghost stated a he stopped realising destruction magic and made a magic circle taking him and his peerage back to the club room.

"You guys can all leave please we kinda wanna be alone right now" Hyoko stated to the peerage and went to sit on the sofa.

"We understand, but like you told us you aren't alone for this we're here if you need anything" akagi responded to the twins as he followed everyone else out the room.

As the door shut the twins would be looking at each other just wondering what they should do next.

"Hyoko, you do know challenging him means we both have to give him something in return" ghost stated as he looked at his sister.

"I know, I just don't wanna marry him. He just wants me for my body he's as bad as issei if not worst" she stated as she looked at him.

"Alright, just so you know one of us will have to be fighting in this rating game while the other taked the piece of the king" ghost stated to his sister.

"That's the thing, I was hoping you would be the one fighting I mean I'm the one challenging him so it makes sense that I take the role of being a king" hyoko stated to her twin brother.

"Alright, I'm with you all the way no matter what I'll make sure we win this game" the male said as he looked up at hyoko and smiled.

With akagi and akami

"What should we do, I mean we can't just let them deal with this all alone" the female stated to her brother.

"Ghost told me we have powers so maybe we could use them and train to get stronger" akagi responded to the female.

"Really what type of magic do we have, did he tell you" akami asked again hoping it was something cool.

"He doesn't know but i say we start our training tonight"akagi stated as he looked up at the roof.


The two would be outside in their back yard as they started training to perform magic circles. As the two had been training they managed to perform a small magic circle. As the magic circle appeared a small area of darkness appeared in front of them as they were able to control it.

"What is this" the female stated as she looked at the shadow in front of her.

"I don't know, but we should master this who knows how strong we can become" her brother stated as he was controlling the darkness in front of him.

The two would continue to train in their new magic that they just figured out how to use and would also be doing research on what type of magic they had. The twins soon figured out that what they could use was called black magic and promised that they wouldn't teach anyone how to use it especially how dangerous it is.


Akagi and akami would be in their backyard sparring with each other while making sure not to use enough magic to share out their location.

With the Twins

Ghost and Hyoko would be in the club room talking to each other while playing a game of chess.

"You know you could've went easier on my father and brother" the red hair female stated while watching them play.

"Yeah but now i gotta share you with that pervert rizer, we all know issei can't beat him" ghost responded as he moved a pawn piece.

"Oh like your team has a chance at beating him" rias responded as she was still Looking at the match between the twins.

"We do actually and unlike any other peerage we can switch between king and queen and we don't get weaker, plus we just have to take a bunch of females and they all love ghost anyways" Hyoko stated with a smirk and took ghost last pawn.

"I see, ghost do you really plan on keeping our marriage going on" rias asked as she got up and walked to the two.

"I don't know right now, you, your peerage and your family are so damn stupid especially your family but the thing is me and hyoko has gained a liking to you and Grayfia" the male said has he moved another piece.

"Really, I didn't know that" rias said as she looked back at akeno.

"Checkmate" hyoko stated winning the game and continued talking. "Trust me it's true, we really do care about you and if you want out of this marriage just let us know and we'll break everything off"

"Well I'll talk to you guys later, it's getting late and you guys should really start heading home.

"Yeah, bye akeno and rias make sure you guys sleep tonight and remember not to stress so much over our match" the twins said in unison as they teleported back home.

"Akeno I don't know what to do.." Rias said to her Queen.

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