Chapter 13

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Hey guys, this chapter is the last chapter ever on this book, I hope you have loved this book.



"Niall, Ni come on bud," Mum called to Niall as she moved his hair out his face.

"Police have his parents now," Dad told us before adding. "How is he?"

"Not sure yet as he hasn't woken up," Mum replied.

"I'm just going to call the lads," I told my parents before going upstairs.


LI: Hey man what's up?

T: Niall's parents just came trying to knick him and he's now passed out.

H+LO: Shit, where are they now?

T: Arrested but something is seriously wrong with Niall.

S: What do you mean?

T: Something more happened then Niall just getting beaten up.

A: I thought that too.

LI: Look lads I'll speak later, I have to sort something out.


SCOTT: You noticed Liam's been very distant recently.

STILES: Yeah, especially towards Niall.

T: Yeah, I know they had an argument but I don't know what it's about.

JACKSON: Let us know what goes on with Niall.

T: I will do lads speak later.

With that I hung up.

"Tony can you come downstairs a minute please," Mum called as I ran downstairs.

"Yeah," I said as I saw Niall awake and sitting up.

"Can you help Niall into your bedroom please?" Dad asked as I nodded before helping Niall.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm okay, just tired, can I use your laptop for a bit?" Niall asked.

"Sure thing," I replied before giving him my laptop and leaving the room.

"Ma, I'm just going out the back for five minutes, Niall is in bed on the laptop,"I told my mum before going out the back.

LI: Hey man you ok?

T: Yeah man, you?

LI: Yeah, what's wrong?"

T: How come you've been distant?

LI: Because I've been sorting someone out.

T: Who and what was your argument with Ni about?

LI: You won't believe mee and I was very drunk, said some horrible things and I broke up with him though, I didn't mean it and now he's ignoring me.

T: I'll speak to Ni tomorrow and I always believe you Liam so who is it?

LI: Meet me at the hospital and I'll show you who it is.

T: Okay I'll be there in 20.

With that I hung up.

"Ma I have to go see my friend, I'll be back soon," I shouted to my mum before leaving.


Once Tony left the room, I started the very last tape.


This tape is all about how I feel

And last but not least a bully.

I messed people's life up and they messed up mine.

I don't know what to do now apart from ending it all because I have no one at all, my friends don't like me, my parents care about my siblings not me.

So this is my very last tape and the very last time you hear my voice I'm sorry everyone.

I'm Zayn Malik and I'm ending my life.

After I finished it, I just lay there.


"Come in," I called as Tony's mum came in.

"How are you feeling?" Mrs P asked.

"I'm okay, where is Tony?" I asked.

"He's had to pop out, he'll be back soon," Mrs P smiled before adding.

"Get some sleep," she left the room, closing the door.

"What to do?" I thought before my phone rang indicating someone was calling.

"Urgh, Liam," I thought before declining it and grabbing my secret tin and doing the only good thing I can do, slicing up my own skin.

Once I was done, I cleaned up my mess and climbed in bed ( I did put my tin away as well).

I tried falling asleep but I couldn't because I just kept seeing Oscar's face.

"Niall, are you awake?" Tony asked as he took his jacket off.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, pretending to wake up.

"I have to tell you something unbelievable and even I didn't believe it," Tony rambled on as he turned on the light.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6am," Tony replied.

"Did you even go asleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, I had 4 hours sleep," Tony replied.

"So you're going to school with only 4 hours of sleep?" I laughed a bit knowing I was going to school with no sleep.

"Yeah and you're going to school with no sleep," Tony smirked.

"How did you know?" I questioned.

"Your eyes are Ni, and anyway you're good at changing subjects," Tony said.

"Go and get in the shower," I laughed.


"Niall you're wanted with the principal," Mrs M told me as she gave me my slip.

I shakily dragged myself to the principal's office before knocking politely on the door.

"Come in," The principal called as I went in, and closed the door and sat down.

"So it's come to my attention that you are being bullied by Oscar and his friends so I have spoken to his friends and him and he won't be coming near you again or else he will be punished." The principal told me.

"But you can't stop him outside of school," I sighed.

"I can try but not really no, I heard he attacked you at the weekend," the principal asked.

"Yeah, he did," I replied.

"I know he beat you up but what else did he do Niall? Because I can tell he did more," the principal asked.

"Nothing sir, now please may I go back to class?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yes, but I've made you an appointment to come back tomorrow," Sir replied before I left the room and walked straight out of the school.

I found myself standing at the top of a really high bridge when my phone rang.

"Do I answer or ignore and jump?" I thought to myself.


"Where's Niall," I asked Scott as we all sat at our table for lunch.

"Funny enough the principal asked me that, turns out Niall walked out of school," Scott told me.

"Shit," I replied before calling Niall.

"Did you tell Niall about Zayn?" Liam asked as I shook my head.

"What about Zayn?" Louis asked.

"He's alive," I said.

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