Chapter 6

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Remember guys you are worth living for much love


Niall's point of view

"Of course Mrs Mendes" I smiled as I slowly sat up.

"There's two things I want to talk about" Mrs Mendes replied

"Fire away" I smiled again

"Does your parents beat you Ni, and your not weak" Mrs Mendes questioned

"Mum doesn't and dad didn't until he lost his job last week" I admitted

"Was that why you wasn't at school last week" Mrs Mendes questioned as I nodded, starting to silently cry.

"Did your dad break your leg" Mrs Mendes questioned again

"He pushed me downstairs" I told her before adding

"I don't want to talk about it no more"

"That's okay, I'll leave the serious talk to tomorrow" Mrs Mendes smiled before gently hugging me

"Don't cry love, your safe here" Mrs Mendes told me

"Thank you Mrs Mendes" I replied

"Call me Hay" Mrs Mendes ordered

"I've called Liam just to let him know where you was and he said he's coming round" Mrs M told me as I nodded

"Mum someone's here for Ni" Shawn called through the door

"You can come in" Mrs M replied before the door opened and Liam came in

"Good afternoon Liam" Mrs Mendes smiled as she stood up

"I'll give you two and hour" Mrs Mendes added before she walked out the door, closing it behind her

"I'm sorry Niall" Liam spoke

"It's my fault" I admitted before adding

"I was so scared of feeling weak that I didn't tell you about my medicine and then the reason why I was acting so weird and had a panic attack was one because my mum tried overdosing me and two because of Oscar"

"Has your mum always tried to give you an overdose" Liam asked as I nodded

"Aww Ni, I'm sorry" Liam replied before leaning in and kissing me

"I love you Ni and it broke my heart not being together" Liam told me as he cuddled me

"Does this mean your my boyfriend again" I asked as Liam smiled before nodding

"Don't worry about Oscar, he can't touch you because your with us" Liam smiled before adding

"What injuries did they give you"

"Broken ribs, black eye, broken arm and swollen lip" I told him

"What so they saw your arms and stomach" Liam questioned

"Yes but no one has said anything" I replied as Liam nodded

"I really wish you would stop baby" Liam replied

"I'm trying Li and you know that" I told him before adding

"Can you help me downstairs"

"Mrs M told me not to move you" Liam sadly smiled

"Your mean" I pouted

"Oh yeah so why is it I spoke to my mum and the head if I could miss most the week for you" Liam told me as I smiled

"But your straight A's" I smirked

"Mrs M is giving me all mine and your work" Liam laughed before adding

"The lads are coming over tomorrow" Liam told me as I nodded

"Right I'm going to have to disturbed you two boys" Mrs Mendes smiled as she came into the room

"I'll see you 8:30 tomorrow" Liam told me as he gave me a kiss before getting up and leaving the room.

"Do you need anything" Mrs M asked

"Can I have quiet time for an hour" I replied as Mrs M nodded before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

Time for tape 6

Next person on my hit list is Hermione again

Wondering what she done this time

Well who remembers when Sia got shot and you all thought it was me well you're wrong

See Hermione had been in my uncle's shop the same day buying a gun and then later her and Gigi went to her house where Gigi was found unconscious shot in the leg.

But of course Hermione blamed me, knowing what had happened

Don't worry Hermione the truth comes out sooner or later

13 Reasons why (Niall Horan story) Ziall And NiamWhere stories live. Discover now